Research field (2):
Transfer phenomena and unit operations
, Applied biofunctional and bioprocess engineering
Research keywords (4):
, 冷凍技術
, mass transfer
, heat transfer
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2010 - 溶媒和イオン液体を用いた柔軟かつ伸縮するアクチュエータ素子
2004 - 体内グルコース燃料電池をエネルギー源とした心臓ペースメーカーの開発
2003 - 体温をエネルギー源とした心臓ペースメーカーの開発
Papers (7):
Abd Rahman Jabir Mohd Din, Kenshi Suzuki, Masahiro Honjo, Koki Amano, Tomoka Nishimura, Ryota Moriuchi, Hideo Dohra, Hidehiro Ishizawa, Motohiko Kimura, Yosuke Tashiro, et al. Imbalance in carbon and nitrogen metabolism in Comamonas testosteroni R2 is caused by negative feedback and rescued by L-arginine. Microbes Environ. 2021. 36
責任著者, H.Hirayama, 共著者]Y.Okita, T.Sugiura, M.Kimura. Geometric method for computing the Van der Waals potential and torsions in super helix state of DNA molecule. Mathematical Machines and Systems. 2004. 66-97
The fluctuation of microbial interactions is key factor for the coexistence of three-strains in the chemostat culture
(1st Shizuoka Univ. and Chugnaum National Univ. Joint Symposium 2022 2022)