Research field (4):
Cultural anthropology and folklore
, Local studies
, Tourism studies
, Literature - British/English-languag
Research keywords (2):
American culture
, 英語圏文学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2013 - 2016 Juvenile Fiction in Postwar Japan
Papers (27):
Keiko Tanaka. Young Girls in the Eyes of Elizabeth Bowen, Reading 'Modern Girlhood'. 2020. 301-319
Keiko Tanaka. The Most American Daily Bread: The Rise and Fall of Wonder Bread. Who Decides? Competing Narratives in Constructing Tastes, Consumption and Choice. 2018. 95-114
Keiko OKAYA. The most American daily bread: wonder bread: food culture in America (2). Journal of Shizuoka Sangyo University. 2010. 12. 12. 281-293
Keiko OKAYA, School of Information Studies Shizuoka Sangyo University. The Development of Fancy Biscuits : Food Culture in Britain(IV). 2009. 11. 291-306
少女たちのモードconsumerism and conformity. 日本イギリス児童文学会会報. 2005. 2005年春季号. 28-29
The Soda Fountain and Old Teen Romance Novels
(The Meaning of Food: Interdisciplinary Conference on representations of Food an the Arts & Humanities 2018)
The Death of English afternoon tea as a ritual
(Making Sense of Food 5th Global Conference 2016)
A Storyteller in the Golden Age of Sweets
(Roald Dahl Centenary Conference (Cardiff University, Wales, UK) 2016)
The Dynamics of School Hierarchy as Seen in Juvenile Literature
(The Childhood:A Persons Project: 5th Global Meeting (Mansfield College, Oxford) 2015)
Good Mothers/Bad Mothers depicted in Girls' Fiction
(the 36th Annual SWPACA Conference 2015)