J-GLOBAL ID:200901026170348840
Update date: Jan. 31, 2024
Hatada Kazuyuki
ハタダ カズユキ | Hatada Kazuyuki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Honorary Professor of Science, Deputy Director General, Professor
Research field (4):
, Algebra
, Geometry
, Algebra
Research keywords (35):
, ジーゲルモジュラー形式
, p進極限表示
, アーベル多様体
, ジーゲルモジュラー多様体
, 微分形式
, ヘッケ作用素の同時固有関数
, ヘッケ作用素の同時固有函数
, ガロワ群の表現
, mod lガロワ表現
, ヘッケ環
, ヘッケ作用素の固有値
, ヘッケ環の作用とその固有値
, ラマヌジャン予想
, ネベン型モジュラー形式
, 原始形式
, トロイダルコンパクト化
, 楕円型モジュラー形式
, 高次元多様体
, 固有値の絶対値の評価
, 1を法とする分布
, ホモロジー群
, 高次元代数多様体
, レベル
, モジュラー多様体
, カイ2乗仮説検定
, コホモロジー
, ヒルベルトモジュラースキームのコンパクト化
, l進モジュラー形式
, P進的性質
, モジュラー形式
, 数論
, p-adic properties
, Modular Forms
, Number Theory
Research theme for competitive and other funds (21):
- 1997 - 1998 Research on Complex Analytic Properties of Complex Homogeneous Spaces
- 1996 - 1996 非線形偏微分方程式のシステムの関数解析的手法による研究
- 1994 - 1994 楕円ファィバ-空間の複素代数幾何学的研究
- 1993 - 1993 モジュラー形式と数論的多様体の性質の研究を,中心とする代数学の研究
- 1992 - 1992 理想境界の理論
- 1991 - 1991 複素多様体における変換論の研究
- 1989 - 1989 複素等質空間函数論的性質の研究
- 1988 - 1988 積分可能系の理論と応用
- 1987 - 1987 モジュラー形式とモジュラー多様体の諸性質の研究
- 1986 - 1986 理想境界の理論
- 1982 - 1982 整数論, 特にモジュラー形式の研究
- 1973 - 数論的函数のp-adicな性質の研究
- 1973 - ゼータ函数とL函数の研究
- 1973 - 整数論,モジュラー形式,数論的スキームの研究
- 1973 - Study on p-adic properties of arithmetic functions
- 1973 - Study on zeta and L functions
- 1973 - Study on Number Theory, Modular Forms and Arithmetic Schemes
- モジュラー形式と数論
- Modular Forms and Number Theory
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Papers (149):
Kazuyuki HATADA. Hecke operators and systems of eigenvalues on Siegel cusp forms. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. 2020. 268. 1306. 1-177
HATADA Kazuyuki. MR3889557, [Review of Henri Cohen's paper `Expansions at cusps and Petersson products in Pari/GP', In: Elliptic integrals, elliptic functions and modular forms in quantum field theory, pp.161-181, Texts Monogr. Symbol. Comput., Springer, Cham, 2019]. Mathematical Reviews Sections Set 1D (Section 11). 2020. 2020year. January. 124-124
HATADA Kazuyuki. MR3814327, [Review of Sirolli-Tornaria`s paper `An explicit Waldspurger formula for Hilbert modular forms' in Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 370 (2018), 6153-6168 ]. Mathematical Reviews Sections Set 1D (Section 11). 2019. 2019year. April. 73-74
Kazuyuki HATADA. MR3671430 [Review of A. Saha's paper `Hybrid sup-norm bounds for Maass newforms of powerful level', Algebra Number Theory, Vol. 11 (2017), no. 5, pp. 1009-1045]. Mathematical Reviews Sections Set 1D (Section 11). 2018. February. 30-31
Kazuyuki HATADA. MR3512875 [Review of N. Billerey and R. Menares' paper `On the modularity of reducible mod $\ell$ Galois representations', Math. Res. Lett. Vol. 23 (2016), no. 1, pp. 15-41]. Mathematical Reviews Sections Set 1D (Section 11). 2017. November. 29-30
Books (4):
Problems on the n dimensional simplex.
In the volume "Geometry, Analysis and Mechanics" (edited by J. M. Rassias) World Scientific Pub., pp.109-112 1994
On the reason why the product of two negative integers must be positive.
In the volume "Geometry, Analysis and Mechanics" (edited by J. M. Rassias) World Scientific Pub., pp.113-120 1994
Homology groups, differential forms and Hecke rings on Siegel modular varieties
In the volume"Topics in Mathematical Analysis" (edited by Th. Rassias), World Scientific Pub., pp.371-409 1989
Guide for 100 books on Mathematics
Baihukan 1984
Education (4):
- 1976 - 1979 Graduate School, The University of Tokyo Division of Science Department of Mathematics, Doctor Course
- 1974 - 1976 Graduate School, The University of Tokyo Division of Science Department of Mathematics, Master Course
- 1972 - 1974 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics
- 1970 - 1972 The University of Tokyo Faculty for preparing latter education in the University of Tokyo Rika 1-rui
Professional career (3):
- Doctor of Science (The University of Tokyo)
- Master of Science (The University of Tokyo)
- Bachelor of Science (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (8):
- 2017/01 - 現在 IBC (Cambridge, England) Research Department Honorary Professor of Science
- 1999/08 - 2017/03 Gifu University Faculty of Education Full Professor
- 1999/08 - 2017/03 Gifu University Faculty of Education, Department of Mathematics (Algebra) Full Professor
- 2001 - 2003 Nagoya University Lecturer (part time)
- 1981/04 - 1999/07 Gifu University Faculty of Education, Department of Mathematics (Algebra and Gometry) associate Professor
- 1993/10 - 1993/11 Universite de Paris XI Mathematique Department Visiting Professor
- 1980/04 - 1981/03 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo researcher of Mathematics
- 1979/04 - 1980/03 Japan Society for Promotion of Science (Research Fellow at Dept. of Math., Fac. of Sci., The University of Tokyo) Research Fellow
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Committee career (8):
- 2010/03 - 2011/02 日本数学会 代議員
- 2002/03 - 2003/02 日本数学会 代議員
- 2001/03 - 2002/02 日本数学会 評議員
- 2002/02 - 日本数学会 数学通信、6巻、4号、編集後記、pp.82-83
- 2001/11 - 日本数学会 数学通信、6巻、3号、編集後記、pp.107-108
- 2001/08 - 日本数学会 数学通信、6巻、2号、編集後記、pp.80-81
- 2001/05 - 日本数学会 数学通信、6巻、1号、編集後記、 p.8
- 1989 - 米国数学会(The American Mathematical Society) Reviewer of "Mathematical Reviews"
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Awards (33):
- 2017/10 - Marquis Who's Who (New Jersey, USA) Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award To: Mathematician Kazuyuki HATADA
- 2017/05 - IBC (Cambridge, England) International Scientist of the 2017
- 2017/02 - IBC (Cambridge, England) Top 100 Scientists
- 2017/01 - IBC (Cambridge, England) Honorary Professor of Science Honorary Professor of Science
- 2016/12 - IBC (Cambridge, England) World Leader of the Sciences -2016-
- 2016 - IBC (Cambridge, England) The Sir Isaak Newton Legacy of Honour Award
- 2015/03 - IBC (Cambridge, England) Universal Proclaamation of Excellence Universal Proclamation of Excellence
- 2003 - The Worldwide Honours List
- 2002 - American Medal of Honor
- 2002 - International Scientist of the Year 2002
- 2002 - Lifetime Achievement Award
- 2001 - International Personality of the Year 2001
- 2000 - Man of the Year 2000
- 1998 - Albert Einstein International Academy Foundation Honoree
- 1997 - 黄金の卓越性の巻き物(The Golden Scroll of Excellence)
- 1996 - 1995〜1996年の国際的人物賞(International Man of the Year 1995〜1996)
- 1995 - 世界的な殊勲賞(Global Distinction Award)
- 1993 - 1993年の名士賞(Who's Who of the Year 1993)
- 1993 - 1992/1993年の最も賞賛される男女達(Most Admired Men and Women of the Year 1992/1993)
- 1993 - 業績に対して送られる20世紀賞(The 20th Century Award for Achievement)
- 1992 - この10年間で最も賞賛される男賞(Most Admired Man of the Decade)
- 1992 - 1991〜1992年の国際的人物賞(International Man of the Year 1991〜1992)
- 1991 - 1991年の人物賞(Personality of the Year 1991)
- 1990 - 1990年の男賞(Man of the Year 1990)
- 1990 - 最初の500人の金メダル(Gold Medal for the First 500)
- 1990 - 国際メリット勲功賞(The International Order of Merit).
- 1989 - 世界卓越メダリオン勲章(World Decoration of Excellence Medallion)
- 1989 - I.B.C.銀メダル(Silver Medal of I.B.C.)
- 1989 - 権威賞状(Diploma of Authority)
- 1989 - 名誉の伝記記録賞(The Biographical Roll of Honor).
- 1988 - 名誉の記念金メダル(Commemorative Gold Medal of Honor)
- 1988 - 献身勲章(Insignia of Dedications)
- 1988 - 国際文化名誉賞状(The International Cultural Diploma of Honor).
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Association Membership(s) (2):
米国数学会(The American Mathematical Society)
, 日本数学会
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