Research field (4):
Electronic devices and equipment
, Agricultural environmental and information engineering
, Measurement engineering
, Optical engineering and photonics
Research keywords (9):
, Information Display
, Multi-view display
, 光応用計測
, 生菌数計測
, 腸内細菌検査
, measuring system
, Optical Computing
, Liguid Cystal
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
2016 - 2019 コロニーの色判別に基づく腸内細菌検査における病原性菌の自動判別法の開発
2010 - 2013 ディジタルホログラフィを利用したカビ菌糸の迅速自動検出法の開発
2006 - 2008 偏光を利用した暗視野照明による生菌数計測の迅速化
2003 - 2004 ディジタル顕微鏡を用いた病原菌・低温細菌の迅速検出技術の開発
2002 - 2003 呈色反応モニター型微生物検出・同定システムの開発
2000 - 2002 ディジタル顕微鏡技術を応用した微生物検出装置の開発
1999 - Study on fast auto detection for the number of bacteria in foods
S. Ozawa, S. Mieda, Y. Yao, H. Takada, T. Kawakami, S.Nasu, T. Ishinabe, M. Kano, Y. Suzuki, T. Uchida. A Multi-View Display System using a QDA Screen. Proceedings of the Joint Virtual Reality Conference of ICAT, EGVE and Euro VR. 2012. 49-52
Kazutaka Baba, Nahomi M. Fujiki, Tadayuki Hayashi, Yasuhiro Kashiwaba, Koji Kawasaki, Senshi Nasu, Mio Sakuma, Shigeyuki Seki, Jun Sonoda, Takatoshi Suenaga, et al. FOSTERING ENGINEERING THINKING THROUGH INTELLIGENT ELECTRONIC PRODUCTION PROGRAM AT NIT SENDAI COLLEGE. In Proceedings of the 14th International CDIO Conference. 2018. 444-453
Development of an instrument for detection of bacteria using the technology of the Digital Microscope.
2001 -
Development of the Digital Microscope and its application to fast detection of bacteria.
1999 - 2000
Education (4):
- 1997 Tohoku University
- 1997 Tohoku University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- 1986 Tohoku University Faculty of Engineering
- 1986 Tohoku University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (2):
(BLANK) (Tohoku University)
(BLANK) (Tohoku University)
Work history (2):
2012/02 - 現在 Sendai National College of Thchnology Department of Intelligence and Electronics Professor
1988 - 1997 Sendai National College of Technology, Research Assistant1997-2000 Sendai National College of Technology, Lectureship2000- Sendai National College of Technology, Assistant Professor
Awards (4):
2019/11 - International Display Worlshop '19 The 26th International Display Workshops, "Outstanding Poster Paper Award" Design of Mini-LED Backlight Using Reflective Mirror Dots with High Luminance Uniformity for mobile LCDs