J-GLOBAL ID:200901027422676140
Update date: May. 09, 2024
Ishiguro Yasuko
イシグロ ヤスコ | Ishiguro Yasuko
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Theoretical economics
Research keywords (5):
Economic Growth
, agglomeration
, transportation costs
, 公開 imperfect competition
, International trade
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 2013 - 2017 Theoretical analysis on the disparity in assets possession between countries and industrial agglomeration
- 2002 - 経済統合の進展とR&D立地、成長に関する理論的考察
- 2000 - 規模の経済下における国際分業、国家間の資産格差・賃金格差の拡大、企業の立地選択に関する理論的研究
- 1998 - 1999 東アジアにおける経済成長の持続可能性に関する理論的および実証的研究
- 東アジアの経済発展
Papers (22):
Yasuko ISHIGURO. Factor endowment ratio and trade structure under the home market effect. 2022. 73. 3. 279-298
Yasuko Ishiguro. The Effects of Macroeconomic Policy with a Disparity in Price Elasticity Between Private- and Public- Sector Demands. Scottish Journal of Political Economy. 2019. 66. 5. 631-648
Yasuko ISHIGURO. Flow of assets between countries and a core-periphery model-Structure and stability of equilibria -. 2010. 21-40
Yasuko ISHIGURO. Income differential between countries and international assets agglomeration-An analysis based on Krugman monopolistically competitive model-. Journal of Kobe University of Commerce. 2008. 60. 2・3. 1-26
国家間の資産保有格差にともなう賃金格差-Krugman型独占的競争モデルによる一考察-. 商大論集. 2007. 58. 4. 21-42
MISC (14):
石黒 靖子. 開放経済下における人口減少経済のマクロ経済的特徴と経済厚生 -非貿易財を含むKrugman型独占的競争モデルに基づく分析-. ”Discussion Paper" No, Institute for Policy Analysis and Social Innovation, University of Hyogo. 2024. 147
石黒 靖子. 人口減少経済の所得に関する一考察-Krugman型独占的競争モデルに基づく分析-. ”Discussion Paper" No, Institute for Policy Analysis and Social Innovation, University of Hyogo. 2023. 139
石黒 靖子. 非貿易財企業の国際的立地選択の経済厚生分析-Krugman型独占的競争モデルに基づく考察-. Discussion Paper, Institute for Policy Analysis and Social Innovation、University of Hyogo. 2020. 120. 1-14
石黒 靖子. 政府シェア,政府支出・貨幣供給比率と均衡生産量に関する実証分析-需要の異質性に基づく生産決定モデル-. Discussion Paper, Institute for Policy Analysis and Social Innovation, University of Hyogo. 2017. 97
Yasuko ISHIGURO. Demand Heterogeneity, Non-neutrality of Money and Optimal Share of Government Spending. Discussion Paper, Institute for Policy Analysis and Social Innovation, University of Hyogo. 2015. 85
Books (1):
Disequilibrium Dynamic Theory with Quantity Rationing in an Open Economy
Lectures and oral presentations (14):
(神戸国際経済研究会Specila Meeting 2019)
Demand heterogeneity and non-neutrality of money
(Western Economic Association International 11th Biennial Pacific Rim Conference 2016)
A Krugman-type core-periphery model with financial assets-Structure and stability of equilibria -
(Western Economic Association International 9th Biennial Pacific Rim Conference 2011)
Economic Integration and Industrial Location between Countries: Effects of a decrease in trade costs on R&D activity and growth rate-
(地域経済・金融統合と中日間の経済協力シンポジウム 2007)
Endogenous Capital agglomeration: A Consideration of the Expansion in Assets Disparity between Countries
(The Winter Conference of Korea International Economics Association 2006 2006)
Works (4):
1998 -
Uruguay Round and International Trade
1998 -
1992 -
East Asia and Japanese Economy
1992 -
Education (3):
- 1989 - 1992 Kobe University
- 1987 - 1989 Kobe University
- 1980 - 1984 Kobe University Faculty of Economics Department of Economics
Professional career (2):
- Ph. D (Kobe University)
- Master (Kobe University)
Work history (6):
Association Membership(s) (2):
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