J-GLOBAL ID:200901028468279770
Update date: Sep. 19, 2022
Okubo Kazuyoshi
オオクボ カズヨシ | Okubo Kazuyoshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (2):
Basic analysis
, Education - general
Research keywords (4):
, 数学教育
, Functional Analysis
, Mathematical Education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
MISC (85):
SUGIMOTO Koji, OKUBO Kazuyoshi. On the Proof of the Conditions for Congruent Triangles Concerning on the Notion of Transformations. Journal of Hokkaido University of Education. Education. 2008. 58. 2. 17-32
OKUBO Kazuyoshi, HAMANO Masaki, KASE Atsuhisa, SAITO Yasuo, UEDA Masaya. A Study of Mathematics Education to Discuss Actively and to Bring up the Ability of Mathematical Thinking and Expressing. Journal of Hokkaido University of Education. Education. 2007. 58. 1. 1-16
Mathematical thinking from the perspectives of problem solving and area learning contents. Progress report of the APEC Project, "Collaborative Studies on Innovations for Teachind and Learning Mathematics in Different Cultures(II). 2007. 237-244
Kazuyoshi Okubo. On weakly unitarily invariant norm and the lambda-Aluthge transformation for invertible operator. LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 2006. 419. 1. 48-52
Lesson Study to Development Approach of Problem Solving -Through the class of Adding and Subtracting of Fractions -. APEC-Khon Kaen International symposium 論文集. 2006. 99-106
Books (16):
明治図書 2002
北海道教育社 1999
A approach to synthetic learning
北海道教育大学教科教育学研究図書編集委員会編東京書籍 1998
Using computer in school Mathematics
Education (4):
- - 1978 Hokkaido University
- - 1978 Hokkaido University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
- - 1972 Hokkaido University of Education Faculty of Education
- - 1972 Hokkaido University of Education Faculty of Education
Professional career (3):
- PH.D(Mathematics) (Hokkaido University)
- MS(Mathematics) (Hokkaido University)
- 理学博士
Work history (6):
- 1980 - 1983 Hokkaido University of Education
- 1980 - 1983 Hokkaido University of Education, Sapporo, Lecturer
- 1978 - 1980 Hokkaido University of Education
- 1978 - 1980 Hokkaido University of Education, Sapporo, Research Assistant
- Hokkaido University of Education
- Hokkaido University of Education, Sapporo, Assistant Professor
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Committee career (2):
- 2001 - 北海道算数数学教育学会 会長
- 2001 - 日本数学教育学会 理事
Association Membership(s) (6):
, International Linear Algebra Society
, 北海道算数数学教育学会
, 国際線形代数学会
, 日本数学教育学会
, 日本数学会
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