J-GLOBAL ID:200901028910634623
Update date: Jan. 15, 2025
mizutani akio
ミズタニ アキオ | mizutani akio
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Research field (1):
Construction environment and equipment
Research keywords (2):
, heat - mass transfer
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
The effect of city and living conditions on the allergosisi
Heat and Moisture Transfer Characteristics
Moisture Transmission in Building Materials
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MISC (36):
青木哲. 都市・室内の温湿度変動とダニ相-名古屋における実測例-. 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集. 1999. 35. 4. 317-318
Temperature and humidity fluctuation and house dust mite fauna. The observation examples in Nagoya. 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集. 1999. 35. 4. 317-318
AOKI T, MIZUTANI A, SUTO C. Distribution of house dust mites in two high-rise residential buildings in central Japan. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY. 1998. 35. 4. 133-144
AOKI T, MIZUTANI A, SUTO C. Distribution of house dust mites in two high-rise residential buildings in central Japan. Japanese Journal of Biometeorology. 1998. 35. 4. 133-144
須藤 千春, 渡辺 和文, 青木 哲. 居住空間の温湿度変動に及ぼす家屋構造および冷暖房の影響. 環境管理技術. 1997. 15. 2. 69-77
Education (4):
- 1979 Nagoya Institute of Technology
- 1979 Nagoya Institute of Technology Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- 1976 Nagoya Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering
- 1976 Nagoya Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (2):
Doctor of Engineering (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Master of Engineering (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Work history (5):
1983/04 - 現在 Nagoya Institute of Technology
1983/04 - 現在 Professor,Tsukuri College,Graduate School of Engineering,Nagoya Institute of Technology
1980/04 - 1983/03 Gifu National College of Technology
1980/04 - 1983/03 Research Associate,Gifu National College of Technology
Nagoya Institute of Technology
Awards (2):
1991/04 - 日本建築学会奨励賞(論文)
1991/04 - 日本建築学会奨励賞(論文)
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