J-GLOBAL ID:200901030276740991
Update date: Feb. 14, 2024
Okawa Shiro
オオカワ シロウ | Okawa Shiro
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (1):
Legal theory and history
Research keywords (2):
, Occidental Legal History
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 2001 - 第2次世界大戦における赤十字国際委員会の国際人道活動史
- 2001 - ICRC's international humanitarian activities in Japanese territories during the World War II
- 1991 - ヨーロッパ法史の枠組におけるスイス法学の歴史的形成とその特長に関する研究
- 1991 - Study on Historical development of Suiss Legal Science and its originality in the context of the History of European Law
- 1984 - ヨーロッパ法史の枠組におけるフランス法学の歴史的形成とその特長に関する研究
- 1984 - Study on Historical Development of French Legal Science and its originality in the context of History of European Law
- 国際人道法史研究
- History of International Humanitarian Law
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MISC (20):
翻訳:ブノワ・ジュノー著「マルセル・ジュノー 一人の『第三の兵士』として」. 愛知大学法学部法経論集. 2004. 166、35-52
Japanese translation of a french article "Marcel Junod : un 'troisième combattant'" by Benoît Junod. Hokei Ronshu (The Journal of the Faculty of Law of Aichi University). 2004. 166. 59-97
Japanese annotation of the English article 'German legal culture and formation of its Traeger' by Christopher Beermann. Hokei Ronshu (The Journal of the Faculty of Law of Aichi University). 2003. 162. 19-58
訳注:クリストファー・ベーアマン「ドイツ法文化とその担い手」. 愛知大学法学部法経論集. 2003. 162. 19-58
Japanese annotation of the English article 'German legal culture and formation of its Traeger' by Christopher Beermann. Hokei Ronshu (The Journal of the Faculty of Law of Aichi University). 2003. 162. 19-58
Books (5):
Masaru Matsunaga, "Le Dr.Marcel Junod - le bienfaiteur d'Hiroshima - un épisode oublié" (a french translation of the japanese article "Junô-san - Hiroshima no onnjin - genbakuhiwa"
"Témoin d'Hiroshima - L'odysée d'un délégué du CICR - Dr. Marcel Junod (1904-1961)", Commune de Jussy/Genève en Suisse 2004
小島武司編訳『訴訟法における法施の再検討』 1999
森田安一編論文集『スイスの歴史と文化』 1999
Japanese translation of the French article "The procedural Law of the European Union-the origine of the regrouping of Law Family" by Vassili Constantinos
"The regrouping of law family in procedural law" translated by Takeshi Kojima et al. 1999
The doctrinal origin of the 1st article, 2nd paragraph of the Suiss Civil Code-Influence from the French and German private Law theory of the 19th century
"The History and Calture of the Switzerland", edited by Yasukazu Morita 1999
Works (2):
2003 -
Formation of Japanese Modern Law in the process of the Reception of Western Laws and its Reality
2003 -
Education (6):
Professional career (2):
- Diplôme d' Études supérieures en droit (Université de Genève)
- Master of Law (Nagoya University)
Work history (22):
- 2005/04 - -09 Part-time Lecturer at the Graduate School of
- 2005 - 年4-9月 名古屋大学大学院環境学研究科環境規範学講座にて 非常勤講師
- 1998 - 2004 Hiroshima University School of Education
- 1998 - 2004 Part-time Lecturer at the Faculty of Education
- 1996 - 2000 Hiroshima University School of Law
- 1996 - 2000 Part-time lectures at the evening course of
- 1993 - 1994 ジュネーブ州立大学法学部 助手
- 1993 - 1994 Assistant at the Faculty of law of Geneva
- 1989 - 1991 Asahi University School of Law
- 1989 - 1991 Part-time lectures at the Faculty of Law of
- 1986 - 1990 Nagoya University School of Law
- 1986 - 1990 Assistant at the Faculty of Law of Nagoya
- Hiroshima Shudo University The Faculty of Law
- Enviromental Studies at Nagoya University
- of Hiroshima University
- Humanitarian Sciences of Hiroshima-Shudo
- Part-time Lecturer at the Faculties of Law and
- the Faculty of Law of Hiroshima University
- State University
- College
- Asahi University, and Aichi Women's Junior
- University
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Association Membership(s) (4):
, スイス史研究会
, 比較法史学会
, 法制史学会
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