J-GLOBAL ID:200901031034110574
Update date: Jul. 31, 2022
Fujino Takeshi
フジノ タケシ | Fujino Takeshi
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
MISC (20):
Takashi Asaeda, Lalith Rajapakse, Takeshi Fujino. Applications of organ-specific growth models; modelling of resource translocation and the role of emergent aquatic plants in element cycles. Ecological Modelling. 2008. 215. 1-3. 170-179
Takashi Asaeda, Lalith Rajapakse, Takeshi Fujino. Applications of organ-specific growth models; modelling of resource translocation and the role of emergent aquatic plants in element cycles. ECOLOGICAL MODELLING. 2008. 215. 1-3. 170-179
Toshiya Uchibori, Takeshi Fujino, Takashi Asaeda. Electrolytic aggregation treatment without coagulant dosage for retentate. SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY. 2008. 60. 3. 341-344
Toshiya Uchibori, Takeshi Fujino, Takashi Asaeda. Electrolytic aggregation treatment without coagulant dosage for retentate. SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY. 2008. 60. 3. 341-344
P. Sharma, T. Asaeda, M. Kalibbala, T. Fujino. Morphology, growth and carbohydrate storage of the plant Typha angustifolia at different water depths. CHEMISTRY AND ECOLOGY. 2008. 24. 2. 133-145
Books (2):
有田 ほか 大気圏の環境
東京電機大学出版局 2000
有田 ほか 大気圏の環境
東京電機大学出版局 2000
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