J-GLOBAL ID:200901031212168239
Update date: Jan. 17, 2024
Kimura Mizuo
キムラ ミズオ | Kimura Mizuo
Affiliation and department:
Tokyo Polytechnic University Faculty of Engineering
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Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (4):
Sports science
, Clinical pharmacy
, Physiology
, Neuroscience - general
Research keywords (4):
, 筋力
, Exercise Physiology(Human motor control)
, Muscular strength
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2004 - 2006 痩身-低脚筋力者に対する高強度レジスタンストレーニングの効果
2004 - 2006 Effects of muscular training in women of low weight and low leg power
2003 - ジョギングの着地方法の違いがフォームと走経済性および脚筋活動レベルに及ぼす影響
1998 - 2000 利き手・非利き手の同時操作のコントロール機構
Effects of heel and toe strike on leg movement and efficiency in jogging
Neural control of bimanual force exertion
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MISC (55):
大学新入生に対する定時授業時の体力トレーニングが自転車ペダリング中の心拍数および主観的運動強度に及ぼす効果. 専修大学体育研究紀要. 2004. 27巻7-15
Effets of weekly fitness training on heart rate and RPE during cycle exercose in physical exercise classes for freshmen. Bulletin of The Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation Senshu University. 2004. 27:7-15
Masahiko YAMAMOTO, Mizuo KIMURA, Kazuhiro KISHI, Kazuhisa KOIZUMI, Division of Liveral Arts and Science Faculty of Arts Tokyo Polytechnic University, Faculty of Engineering Tokyo Polytechnic University, Otsuma Women's University, Faculty of Engineering Tokyo Polytechnic University. Effects of Weekly Climbs of Mt. Fuji on the Aerobic Capacity of a Normal Subject. Artworld. 2003. 9. 59-62
筋力をデザインする. 杏林書院. 2003
毎週1回の富士登山が有酸素能力に及ぼす効果. 2003. 9. 59-62
Education (4):
- 1984 Juntendo University
- 1984 Juntendo University Graduate School, Division of Physical Education
- 1981 Juntendo University
- 1981 Juntendo University Faculty of Physical Education
Professional career (2):
Ph. D. (St.Marianna University School of Medicine)
(BLANK) (Juntendo University)
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本スポーツ心理学会
, 日本体力医学会
, 日本バイオメカニクス学会
, 日本体育学会
, 日本生理学会
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