2009 - 2011 Assessing Government Efforts to Rebuild Public Trust in Government from a Comparative Perspective
2006 - 2011 A Study of Ideas and Institutional Frameworks of Democracy That Support Environmental Governance
2009 - 2010 行政の信頼性確保、向上方策に関する調査研究(5年プロジェクトの5年目)
2009 - 2010 持続可能な発展の重層的環境ガバナンス(5年プロジェクトの4年目)
2008 - 2009 持続可能な発展の重層的環境ガバナンス(5年プロジェクトの3年目)
2008 - 2009 行政の信頼性確保、向上方策に関する調査研究(5年プロジェクトの4年目)
2007 - 2008 持続可能な発展の重層的環境ガバナンス(5年プロジェクトの2年目)
2007 - 2008 行政の信頼性確保、向上方策に関する調査研究(5年プロジェクトの3年目)
2006 - 2007 持続可能な発展の重層的環境ガバナンス(5年プロジェクトの1年目)
2006 - 2007 行政の信頼性確保、向上方策に関する調査研究(5年プロジェクトの2年目)
2005 - 2006 行政の信頼性確保、向上方策に関する調査研究(5年プロジェクトの1年目)
2000 - 2002 Public Sector Reforms: International Perspective
1999 - 2001 A Consideration on the Sustainable Governance System by NPM Theory
1997 - 1998 環境的に持続可能なエネルギーシステムへの転換に対する規制緩和の可能性と限界
1993 - 1993 行政指導の透明化・公正化に役立つ行政手続法等の政策過程に関する調査研究
1992 - 1992 行政指導の透明化・公正化に役立つ行政手続法等の政策過程に関する調査研究
1992 - 1992 戦後行政指導システムの形成過程
1990 - 1991 Formation of Postwar Political System
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Papers (74):
Kosuke Oyama. Structure of Trust in Government and Public Administration in Japan. Public Administration in Japan. 2024. 369-386
ODA, Yuki, MOGAKI, Masahiro, OYAMA, Kosuke. The Challenge of Multi-level Network Governance in Biodiversity: Beyond Ideocratic Governance & Responsive Governance in Municipalities. Journal of Law, Politics and Sociology. 2021. 94. 3. 1-34
Kosuke Oyama. The Relation of Process and Outcomes toward the Trust in Civil Servants: Focusing on Japan, Korean and the Phillipines. Journal of Law, Politics and Sociology. 2020. 93. 10. 1-20
Kosuke Oyama. IPBES and Biodiversity Policy: From the Perspective of Multi-level Governance. Journal of Law, Politics and Sociology. 2020. 93. 1. 21-45
Oda, Yuki, Kosuke Oyama. The Analysis on the Factors to Set Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans: The Validation of Policy Diffusion Model in Municipalities. Journal of Public Policy Studies. 2019. 18. 90-102
OYAMA KOSUKE, HR. Book Review: Kengo SOGA, Contemporary Japanese Bureaucracy, University of Tokyo Press, 2016. Journal of Public Policy Studies. 2017. 17. 121-121
Resilience and adaptation in response to biodiversity challenges in Japan: from ideocratic/responsive to multi-level network governance
(Panel 413 (Policy Entrepreneurship, Adaption and Learning) in the 2021 Poltitical Studies Association Conference 2021)
The Challenge of Multi-level Network Governance in Biodiversity Conservation: Beyond Ideocratic Governance & Responsive Governance in Municipalities
(2020年度日本政治学会総会-研究大会B8【自由論題企画】自治体における事務権限と連携の拡がり 2020)
The Relation of Process and Outcomes toward the Trust in Civil Servants: Focusing on Japan, Korea and the Phillipines
(2020年度日本行政学会総会-研究会共通論題I「比較の中のアジアの行政」 2020)
IPBES and Biodiversity Policy: From the Perspective of Multi-level Governance
(4th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP4) in Montreal, Panel T02-P02 Session 1 Public Policy Challenges and Multi-level Governance in Japan: Sharing Japan’s Experiences as a Forerunner of Emerging Issues 2019)
Determinants of the Budget Levels in Incorporated Administrative Agencies: Verification of the Results of the Reorganization and Rationalization Plan for Special Public Corporations
(The International Symposium on Security Management and Public Enterprise Reform 2016)
Japanese Society for Pubic Administration(JSPA)
, Public Policy Sudies Association, Japan)
, Japanese Political Science Association
, American Political Science Association