J-GLOBAL ID:200901032599089850
Update date: Oct. 03, 2024
Sato Satomi
サトウ サトミ | Sato Satomi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (5):
Tertiary education
, Tertiary education
, Tertiary education
, Tertiary education
, Sociology of education
Research keywords (15):
, UK
, 家庭環境
, 家族
, 教育機会
, 教育格差
, 貧困削減
, カナダ
, 地域支援
, 低所得
, 学習機会
, 学習支援
, 子どもの貧困
, 教育社会学
, Sociology of Education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (14):
- 2024 - 2027 英国高等教育における社会経済的弱者のための「学生ライフサイクルアプローチ」の研究
- 2021 - 2025 Equalization of opportunities for higher education: Analysis of outreach programs in Canadian university
- 2020 - 2023 緊縮財政下の英国における低所得層への高等教育進学支援:大学のアウトリーチを中心に
- 2016 - 2020 A study on community based comprehensive supports for children in low-income communities in Canada
- 2013 - 2017 Opportunities for disadvantaged students to continue and complete secondary education:The development of Pathways to Education Program in low income community in Ontario
- 2010 - 2012 The Study on Articulation between Secondary School andUniversity
- 2007 - 2009 The Study on the Articulation Between Secondary and Tertiary Education in Canada and Australia
- 2001 - 2003 インターネット及び人的ネットワークを活用した育児不安軽減に関する研究
- 1999 - 2001 A Study of the Program to Help Parents Raise Children in Local Communities
- 1998 - 2000 Media Management for Distance Postgraduate Programs
- 1996 - 1998 Sociological Study of Health and Welfare Programs for the Eldrely.
- 1993 - 1994 A Report of Sociological Study on Prospective Welfare Communities.
- 1989 - 1991 Field Research on Distance Education in Rural Areas in Asian and Pacific Region
- 1984 - 1985 A comparative study of the attitudes of Japanese and Japanese-American toward education
Show all
Papers (12):
Satomi Sato, Shigeru Yamamura. Tuition Fees, Maintenance Grants and Widening Participation in Higher Education: A historical perspective on raising fees and student finances in England. Research Bulletin, National Center for University Entrance Examinations. 2023. 48. 1-28
佐藤 智美. 貧困削減対策としての就学前教育-カナダ・オンタリオ州の『連鎖を断つ(Breaking the Cycle)』における幼児教育ー. 2017. 71-88
SATO Satomi. Expanding opportunities for disadvantaged students to complete secondary and go onto post-secondary education: The effectiveness of Pathways to Education Program and its implications. 2017. 46. 1-27
SATO Satomi. A Program Designed to Expand Opportunities for Students in Disadvantaged Communities:What Pathways to Education Has Achieved. 2016. 14. 33-56
佐藤 智美. オーストラリア・クイーンズランド州の高等教育進学と進路選択過程. 大学入試フォーラム. 2009. 31. 53-65
MISC (53):
山村滋, 佐藤智美. スコットランドにおける高等教育進学機会格差是正をめざすLEAPSプログラム. 大学入試センター 研究開発部 リサーチノート. 2024. RNote2024-1. 1-17
佐藤智美. 中等後教育(PSE)への進学機会保障-トロントの低所得コミュニティにおける支援実践を中心に-. カナダ教育研究. 2023. No.21. 61-69
Shigeru Yamamura Satomi Sato. Outreach programmes of University of Birmingham for disadvantage students. Research Note, The National Center for University Entrance Examinations. 2023. RNote2023. 02. 1-16
SATO Satomi, YAMAMURA Shigeru. What universities could do to secure opportunities for post-secondary education for children from low income families-Achievement Program of Lakehead University in Thunder Bay-. 2020. RN-20-03. 1-19
SATO Satomi, YAMAMURA Shigeru. Support Programs for Vulnerable Youth Provided by TRC in Saint John, New Brunswick. 2020. 2. RN-20-02. 1-13
Books (10):
多賀出版 1996 ISBN:4811540719
多賀出版 1996 ISBN:4811540719
多賀出版 1996 ISBN:4811540719
多賀出版 1996 ISBN:4811540719
有斐閣 1993 ISBN:4641085196
Lectures and oral presentations (9):
(カナダ教育学会第59回 2022)
(日本カナダ学会 第47回年次大会 2022)
(朝日新聞 朝日教育会議 2019)
(埼玉県入間・比企地区合同教育長・教育委員研修会 2019)
(東洋英和女学院大学 村岡花子記念講座 第4回 2018)
Works (7):
1993 -
Report on Cook Islands
1993 -
A Case Study of the USP Extension Programme : The Cook Islands
1990 -
1987 -
Causal Attributions by Japanese and Japanese-American Mothers and Children About School Performance
1987 -
Education (1):
- 1981 - 1987 Stanford University Graduate School of Education Social Science in Education
Professional career (2):
- Ph. D. (Stanford University, United States of America)
- Master of Education (Nagoya University)
Work history (2):
- 2004/04 - 現在 Toyo Eiwa University The Faculty of Human Sciences
- 2003/04 - 2004/03 Toyo Eiwa University The Faculty of Human Sciences
Association Membership(s) (5):
, Japanese Association for Canadian Education Studies
, 日本家族社会学会
, 日本比較教育学会
, 日本教育社会学会
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