Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2005 - Laser Diagnostics and Transmission Electron Microscopy of Soot Formation and Oxidation Prcesses in Diesel Spray Flame
Papers (92):
Tetsuya Aizawa, Tomoki Kinoshita, Shinobu Akiyama, Kouya Shinohara, Yuusei Miyagawa. Infrared high-speed thermography of combustion chamber wall impinged by diesel spray flame. International Journal of Engine Research. 2022
Aizawa, T., Toyama, Y., Kusakari, R. Quantitative high-resolution transmission electron microscopy nanostructure analysis of soot oxidized in diesel spray flame periphery. International Journal of Engine Research. 2020. 22. 5. 1579-1591
Kim, D., Kook, S., Kusakari, R., Shinohara, K., Iijima, K., Aizawa, T. Soot particles in piston-top pool fires and exhaust at 5 and 15 MPa injection pressure in a gasoline direct-injection engine. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2020. 38. 4. 5761-5768
Abdullah, M.F.E., Toyama, Y., Saruwatari, S., Akiyama, S., Shimada, T., Aizawa, T. Spray tip penetration of inversed-delta injection rate shaping in non-vapourising condition. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering. 2019. 16. 3. 7048-7060