J-GLOBAL ID:200901033137194990
Update date: Aug. 28, 2020
Kobayashi Masashi
コバヤシ マサシ | Kobayashi Masashi
Research field (2):
Respiratory medicine
, Molecular biology
Research keywords (6):
, インスリンの作用機序
, 糖尿病学
, Intrstitial pneumonitis
, mechanism of insulin action
, Diabetology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Signal transduction for insulin action
Moleculan chaperone and mctont insulin (]E88BC[)eseptors.
mechanism of insulin resistance in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
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MISC (320):
H Ishihara, T Sasaoka, S Kagawa, S Murakami, K Fukui, Y Kawagishi, K Yamazaki, A Sato, M Iwata, M Urakaze, et al. Association of the polymorphisms in the 5 '-untranslated region of PTEN gene with type 2 diabetes in a Japanese population. FEBS LETTERS. 2003. 554. 3. 450-454
H Ishihara, T Sasaoka, S Kagawa, S Murakami, K Fukui, Y Kawagishi, K Yamazaki, A Sato, M Iwata, M Urakaze, et al. Association of the polymorphisms in the 5 '-untranslated region of PTEN gene with type 2 diabetes in a Japanese population. FEBS LETTERS. 2003. 554. 3. 450-454
K Shinoda, E Sugiyama, H Taki, S Harada, T Mino, M Maruyama, M Kobayashi. Resting T cells negatively regulate osteoclast generation from peripheral blood monocytes. BONE. 2003. 33. 4. 711-720
K Shinoda, E Sugiyama, H Taki, S Harada, T Mino, M Maruyama, M Kobayashi. Resting T cells negatively regulate osteoclast generation from peripheral blood monocytes. BONE. 2003. 33. 4. 711-720
T Sasaoka, K Kikuchi, T Wada, A Sato, H Hori, S Murakami, K Fukui, H Ishihara, R Aota, Kimura, I, et al. Dual role of Src homology domain 2-containing inositol phosphatase 2 in the regulation of platelet-derived growth factor and insulin-like growth factor I signaling in rat vascular smooth muscle cells. ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2003. 144. 9. 4204-4214
Education (2):
- 1967 Osaka University Faculty of Medicine
- 1967 Osaka University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1):
Work history (1):
University of Toyama Faculty of Medicine, School of Medicine
Committee career (2):
1996 - 日本糖尿病学会 理事,評議員,評議員,評議員
1970 - 日本内科学会 会員
Awards (2):
1989 - 日本医師会研究助成
1986 - 日本内分泌学会研究奨励賞
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本肥満学会
, 日本内分泌学会
, 日本内科学会
, 日本糖尿病学会
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