J-GLOBAL ID:200901033631902930
Update date: Feb. 14, 2024
Sakamoto Toru
サカモト トオル | Sakamoto Toru
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Research field (4):
Agricultural sociology
, Agricultural and food economics
, Architectural and city planning
, Economic statistics
Research keywords (6):
, 農業経済学
, 計量経済学
, City Planning
, Agricultural Economics
, Econometrics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
1986 - 2006 Study on Chaos・Neural Network Method
1986 - カオス・ニューラルネットワークに関する研究
MISC (12):
九州広域観光ルートの抽出と分析(共著). 日本都市計画論文集. 1992. 27. 523
Extraction and Analysis of Long Sightseeing Travel Routes in Kyusyu Island. CITY PLANNING REVIEW SPECIAL ISSUE. 1992. 27. 523
都心空間における回遊行動の回遊距離分布関数の推定(共著). 日本都市計画論文集. 1989. 24. 571
Parametric and Non-parametric Estimation of Distribution of Consumer's Shop-around Distance and Midtown District. CITY PLANNING REVIEW SPECIAL ISSUE. 1989. 24. 571
都心空間における回遊行動の分析. 日本不動産学会梗概集. 1988. 4. 91
Works (2):
1983 -
Commercial Modernization Plan in Nobeoka
1983 -
Education (4):
- 1980 Fukuoka University Division of Economics
- 1980 Fukuoka University Graduate School, Division of Economics Econometrics
- 1975 Fukuoka University Faculty of Economics Department of Economics
- 1975 Fukuoka University Faculty of Economics Economics
Professional career (1):
Master of Economics (Fukuoka University)
Work history (16):
2002 - - 九州情報大学 教授
2002 - - Kyushu Institute of Information Sciences,
1998 - 2001 Kyushu Institute of Information Sciences
1998 - 2001 Kyushu Institute of Information Sciences,
1993 - 1999 麻生福岡短期大学 教授
1993 - 1999 Aso Fukuoka Junior College, Professor
1991 - 1993 折尾女子経済短期大学 助教授
1991 - 1993 Orio Women's Junior College of Economics,
1985 - 1991 折尾女子経済短期大学 講師
1985 - 1991 Orio Women's Junior College of Economics,
1982 - 1985 折尾女子経済短期大学 非常勤講師
1982 - 1985 Orio Women's Junior College of Economics,
Assistant Professor
Part-time lecturer
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Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本計画行政学会
, 日本農業経済学会
, 九州農業経済学会
, 西日本理論経済学会
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