- 2019/10 - Southern University of Science and Technology Lectureship Award from Southern University of Science and Technology Recent Progress on Chiral Brønsted Acid Catalysis
- 2019/10 - Pharmaron Pharmaron Lectureship Award Recent Progress on Chiral Brønsted Base Catalysis
- 2018/02 - Synthetic Organic Chemistry Japan The Synthetic Organic Chemistry Award, Japan
- 2015/06 - Organizing Committee of Molecular Chirality Molecular Chirality Award 2015 Enantioselective Catalysis by Chiral Brønsted Acids & Chiral Brønsted Bases
- 2013/11 - The coordinator of Asia Core Program, Thailand ACP Lectureship Award 2013, Thailand Chiral Phosphoric Acids as Versatile Catalysts for Enantioselective Transformations
- 2013/11 - The coordinator of Asia Core Program, Taiwan ACP Lectureship Award 2013, Taiwan Chiral Phosphoric Acids as Versatile Catalysts for Enantioselective Transformations
- 2012/12 - The coordinator of Asia Core Program, Singapore ACP Lectureship Award 2012, Singapore Enantioselective Catalysis by Chiral Brønsted Acids and Bases
- 2012/12 - The coordinator of Asia Core Program, Korea ACP Lectureship Award 2012, Korea Chiral Phosphoric Acids as Versatile Catalysts for Enantioselective Transformations
- 2012/11 - Nagoya Silver Medal
- 2012/02 - 有機合成化学協会 企業冠賞 第一三共・創薬有機化学賞 水素結合を戦略的相互作用とする有機分子触媒の創製
- 2010/11/10 - The coordinator of Asia Core Program, China ACP Lectureship Award 2010, China Binaphthol-derived phosphoric Acid as a Versatile Catalyst for Enantioselective Carbon-Carbon Bond Forming Reactions
- 2010/11 - The coordinator of Asia Core Program, Hong Kong ACP Lectureship Award 2010, Hong Kong Binaphthol-derived phosphoric Acid as a Versatile Catalyst for Enantioselective Carbon-Carbon Bond Forming Reactions
- 2010/09/02 - 有機合成化学協会 Mukaiyama Award
- 2009/03/28 - 日本化学会 日本化学会 学術賞 水素結合を鍵相互作用として有する有機分子触媒の創製
- 2004/02/18 - 社団法人 有機合成化学協会 有機合成化学奨励賞 不斉金属錯体を触媒とする高エナンチオ選択的カルボニル-エン反応の開発
- 1995/11 - 財団法人 井上科学振興財団 井上研究奨励賞 ランタニドおよびチタン錯体を用いる炭素-炭素結合生成反応の不斉触媒化に関する研究
- 1994/05 - 財団法人 理工学振興会 手島研究論文賞 ランタニドおよびチタン錯体を用いる炭素-炭素結合生成反応の不斉触媒化に関する研究
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