Research field (1):
Pharmaceuticals - chemistry and drug development
Research keywords (2):
, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
1969 - 2014 海洋生物発光物質の化学的、生物化学的研究
1969 - 2014 Chemical and Biochemical Studies on Marine Bioluminescent Compounds
1964 - 2014 生物活性天然物の研究
1964 - 2014 Studies on Biologically Active Natural Products
MISC (32):
ZHOU Le, ZHANG Mei-hui, OKADA Kunisuke, XU Li-ying, DONG Jin-hua. Synthesis and the anti-inflammatory activities of Mannich bases of 2-(E)-(4-methansulfonyl) benzylidene cyclopentanone. Chinese Jounal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2005. 15. 4. 193-196