J-GLOBAL ID:200901035222476115
Update date: Jun. 29, 2024
Ishida So
イシダ ソウ | Ishida So
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (5):
Science education
, Museology
, Cultural properties
, Animals: biochemistry, physiology, behavioral science
, Ecology and environmental science
Research keywords (7):
Citizen Science
, Natural History Specimen
, Museum
, Ethology
, Ecology
, Malacology
, Benthology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (13):
- 2019 - 2024 自然史標本の汎用化と収蔵展示技法の体系構築
- 2019 - 2024 Investigation of biological specimens collected in Okinawa Islands during World War II and the occupation period.
- 2019 - 2022 自然史系文化財を社会の中で維持・保全できるか?次世代ネットワーク管理の模索
- 2017 - 2020 木村蒹葭堂“知”のネットワークの解析-絵画・本草学資料から探る歴史文化の再構成-
- 2017 - 2020 博物館をコアとした外来生物の市民調査、その生物多様性理解の促進効果の評価
- 2015 - 2018 Solution and preparation to collect and archive movie data in natural history museums
- 2012 - 2017 The project "Exploring Nature in the Seto Inland Sea" supported by the vast regional cooperation from some of the natural history museums of western Japan and demonstration of museum cooperation
- 2013 - 2015 Establishment of Osaka-Study based on the investigation of natural history specimens: Comprehensive study of Kimura Kenkado and his intellectual network.
- 2012 - 2015 Practical research on the development of PISA orientated academic ability in co-operation with a museum
- 2011 - 2014 Transition of flora and fauna of the tidal flat of Japan compiled from museum specimens, and the application to their conservation
- 2008 - 2010 無脊椎動物の標本データベースの作成
- 2007 - 2010 Research of natural history in the Yodo River system by citizenry participation and the museum academic meanings
- 2005 - 2006 都市部森林の孤立化が群集構造に及ぼす影響
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Papers (48):
So Ishida. Citizen Science and Natural History Museums in Japan. Ecological Research Monographs. 2024. 131-148
So ISHIDA, Waka-gobo Research Project Team. A citizen science approach to reveal the geographical pattern of production and consumption of a local traditional vegetable ‘Ha-gobo’ (edible burdock with tender leaves). Bulletin of the Osaka Museum of Natural History. 2023. 77. 11-27
Association for the Research of Littoral Organisms in Osaka Bay. Rocky shore macrobiota of southeastern Osaka Bay: Results of surveys carried out in the years 2016-2020. SHIZENSHI-KENKYU, Occasional Papers from the Osaka Museum of Natural History. 2023. 4. 6. 157-180
Ryohei Yamanishi, So Ishida, Michio Otani, Sho Kashio, Yasunobu Nabeshima, Tetsuya Watanabe. Drawing up a “Welcome List” of littoral organisms in Osaka Bay. Bulletin of Kansai Organization for Nature Conservation. 2022. 44. 2. 155-164
Daisuke SAKUMA, So ISHIDA, Yoko ISHII, Chieko SHAKU, Akiko YAMANAKA, Mika KITAMURA. Possibilities and subjects of digital archives on museum education under COVID-19 situation - in case of Osaka Museum of Natural History -. Dejitaru Akaibu Gakkaishi. 2022. 6. 2. e1-e10
MISC (7):
So ISHIDA. Record of collecting specimens by a naturalist U.S. Soldier who went to the Battle of Okinawa. Nature Study. 2023. 69. 11. 2-5
広瀬 祐司, 引馬 淳, 釋 知恵子, 石田 惣, 佐久間 大輔. 24F-602 博物館と連携したPISA型学力養成の効果 : カリキュラムマネジメントと授業改善(学習心理,教育評価,一般研究発表(口頭発表)). 日本理科教育学会全国大会要項. 2014. 64. 374-374
石田 惣. 鈴間愛作氏寄贈貝類標本目録, 2006年3月21日, 福井市自然史博物館発行, 132pp, +2pls. ちりぼたん. 2006. 37. 3. 152-152
石田惣, 岩崎敬二, 桑原康裕. 博物館標本から検証するムラサキイガイの初侵入年代と分布拡大過程. 日本ベントス学会・日本プランクトン学会合同大会講演要旨集. 2006. 2006
Ishida S., Iwasaki K., Kuwahara Y. Initial invasion history and process of range extension of Mytilus galloprovincialis : inferred from the specimens collected by Dr. T. Furukawa(Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the Malacological Society of Japan (Nishinomiya)). Venus : journal of the Malacological Society of Japan. 2005. 64. 1. 72-72
Books (19):
海産無脊椎動物多様性学 : 100年の歴史とフロンティア
京都大学学術出版会 2022 ISBN:9784814004492
Natural History of the Underground World of Osaka: From Soil Surface to the Earth Core.
Osaka Museum of Natural History 2021
大阪市立自然史博物館 2020
大阪市立自然史博物館 2017
新装改訂フィールド版 写真でわかる磯の生き物図鑑
トンボ出版 2016 ISBN:9784887162259
Education (2):
- 1997 - 2002 Kyoto University Graduate School of Science Department of Zoology, Division of Biological Science
- 1993 - 1997 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
Work history (2):
- 2006/04 - 現在 Osaka Museum of Natural History Lab. of Zoology Senior Curator
- 2002/04 - 2006/03 Fukui City Museum of Natural History Curator
Committee career (8):
- 2023/04 - 現在 淀川環境委員会 淀川環境委員
- 2013/04 - 現在 The Malacological Society of Japan Editor-In-Chief of Chiribotan
- 2011 - 現在 The Japanese Association of Benthology Delegate to the Union of Japanese Societies for Natural History
- 2009 - 現在 The Malacological Society of Japan Councilor
- 2009 - 現在 Society for the Study of Molluscan Diversity Editor of Molluscan Diversity
- 2007 - 現在 環境省モニタリングサイト1000 沿岸域部会委員(磯分科会座長)
- 2021/09 - 2023/10 Society for the Study of Molluscan Diversity President
- 2019/04 - 2023/03 The Japanese Association of Benthology Member of steering committee
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Association Membership(s) (6):
Japan Society for Digital Archive
, Society for the Study of Molluscan Diversity
, 日本貝類学会
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