J-GLOBAL ID:200901035342121540
Update date: Jan. 17, 2024
Yoshimoto Shingyo
ヨシモト シンギョウ | Yoshimoto Shingyo
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Professor Emeritus
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Philosophy - Chinese, Indian, Buddhist
Research keywords (4):
, 仏教学
, Buddhist Social Welfare
, Buddhist Studies
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
- 1996 - 大谷大学図書館所蔵貝葉写本『パンニャーサジャータカ』の文献的研究
- 1996 - A Textual Study of The Manuscripts of Pa(]E86F3[)(]E86F3[)(]E87BC[)saj(]E87BC[)taka Kept in Otani University Library
- 1985 - 社会福祉における仏教理念の活用
- 1985 - The Practical Buddhist Idea in Social Welfare Services
- 1970 - 原始仏教・アビダルマ仏教における大乗的思潮の形成
- 1970 - The Historical Development of Mahayanistic Thought in Early Buddhism and in Abhidharma Buddhism
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MISC (60):
Shingyo Yoshimoto. The Manuscript of the Surupa-jataka from the pannasajataka kept in the Otani University Library. Buddhism nad Jainism , Essays in Honorur of Dr. Hojun Nagasaki on his Seventieth Birthday. 2005. 660-651
PADMANABH S. JAINI 「東南アジアにおける疑経ジャータカ」. 仏教学セミナー. 2004. 80、pp.24-49
PADMANABH JAINI,"The Apocriphal Jātakas of Southeast Asian Buddhism" (Japanese Translation). Buddhist Seminar. 2004. 80
An Encounter with Buddhist Studies. Buddhist Seminar. 2002. 76. 44-56
吉元 信行. 仏教学との出逢い. 仏教学セミナー. 2002. 76. 44-56
Books (49):
国東仏教研究会(大分県) 2009 ISBN:9784887700017
法蔵館 2006
大蔵出版 2006
法蔵館 2005 ISBN:4831824089
頼富本宏博士還暦記念論文集『マンダラノ諸相と文化』[下]胎蔵界の巻 法蔵館 2005
Works (13):
1998 - 2000
A Textual Study of P(]E87BC[)li Manuscript of Pa(]E86F3[)(]E86F3[)(]E87BC[)sa-j(]E87BC[)taka Kept in Otani University(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B))
1998 - 2000
“The Manuscript of Sur(]E87CD[)pa-j(]E87BC[)taka in the Pa(]E86F3[)(]E86F3[)asa-J(]E87BC[)taka kept in Otani University Library" (]G0010[)(]G0002[)th Conference of the International Association of Buddhist Studies,Lauzanne(口頭発表)
1999 -
1996 -
A Textual Research on the P(]E87BC[)li Manuscripts Kept in Otani University Library(Joint Research Project)
1996 -
Education (4):
- - 1970 Otani University Graduate School
- - 1970 Otani University Graduate School, Division of Letters
- - 1963 Otani University Faculty of Letters
- - 1963 Otani University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (1):
Committee career (3):
- 2004 - 仏教看護、ビハーラ学会 発起人
- 2000 - パーリ学仏教文化学会 理事
- 1991 - 1992 日本仏教社会福祉学会 仏教福祉辞典編集委員,年報編集委員
Awards (2):
- 1979 - 日本印度学仏教学会賞
- 1979 - Commendation From the Nihon Indogaku Bukkyo Gakkai
Association Membership(s) (8):
, 仏教看護
, 日本司法福祉学会
, パーリ学仏教文化学会
, 日本仏教学会
, 日本仏教社会福祉学会
, 国際仏教学会(The International Association of Buddhist Studies)
, 日本印度学仏教学会
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