J-GLOBAL ID:200901035739460863   Update date: Jun. 29, 2024

ASAI Satoshi

アサイ サトシ | ASAI Satoshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research field  (3): Genomics ,  Genomics ,  Neuroscience - general
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (8):
  • 2020 - 2023 Drug target finding based on the analysis of real world data
  • 2007 - 2008 The possibility of predicting the anticancer and adverse effects of antitumor agents by using 13C breath test
  • 2004 - 2006 Evaluation of pancreatic exocrine secretion using ^<13>C-dipeptide (benzoyl-L-tyrosyl-[1-^<13>C]alanine) breath test
  • 2003 - 2004 A role of osteopontin in ulcerative colitis
  • 2001 - 2002 Gene expression of colonic mucosa in patients with ulcerative colitis using oligonucleotide array-based technology
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Papers (144):
  • Yamazaki K, Terao C, Takahashi A, Kamatani Y, Matsuda K, Asai S, Takahashi Y. Genome-wide Association Studies Categorized by Class of Antihypertensive Drugs Reveal Complex Pathogenesis of Hypertension with Drug Resistance. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2023. 114. 2. 393-403
  • Hayakawa T, Nagashima T, Akimoto H, Minagawa K, Takahashi Y, Asai S. Benzodiazepine-related dementia risks and protopathic biases revealed by multiple-kernel learning with electronic medical records. Digital Health. 2023. 9. 20552076231178577
  • Kitamura N, Kobayashi H, Nagasawa Y, Sugiyama K, Tsuzuki H, Tanikawa Y, Ikumi N, Okada Y, Takahashi Y, Asai S, Tamura N, Ogasawara M, Kawamoto T, Kuwatsuru R, Tamaki H, Kidoguchi G, Tateishi M, Kimura M, Mochida Y, Harigane K, Shimazaki T, Koike T, Tanimura K, Kataoka H, Amano K, Yasuoka H, Takei M. Risk factors associated with relapse after methotrexate dose reduction in patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving golimumab and methotrexate combination therapy. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases. 2023. 26. 6. 1058-1066
  • Akimoto H, Hayakawa T, Nagashima T, Minagawa K, Takahashi Y, Asai S. Detection of potential drug-drug interactions for risk of acute kidney injury: a population-based case-control study using interpretable machine-learning models. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2023. 14. 1176096
  • Akimoto H, Nagashima T, Minagawa K, Hayakawa T, Takahashi Y, Asai S. Detection of Synergistic Interaction on an Additive Scale Between Two Drugs on Abnormal Elevation of Serum Alanine Aminotransferase Using Machine-Learning Algorithms. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2022. 13. 910205
MISC (7):
  • Yasuo Takahashi, Yayoi Nishida, Satoshi Asai. The adverse effects of trichlormethiazide, focusing on serum electrolyte and uric acid levels: a retrospective database study. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2012. 118. 264P-264P
  • Yayoi Nishida, Yasuo Takahashi, Satoshi Asai. Comparative effect of olmesartan and candesartan on lipid metabolism in patients with hypertension: a retrospective observational study. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2012. 118. 264P-264P
  • Yayoi Nishida, Yasuo Takahashi, Satoshi Asai. Effect of candesartan cilexetil monotherapy on lipid metabolism in patient with hypertension: a longitudinal survey using clinical data warehouse. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2011. 115. 287P-287P
  • Yasuo Takahashi, Yayoi Nishida, Satoshi Asai. Utilization of clinical data warehouse in clinical studies and clinical trial recruitment screening. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2010. 112. 176P-176P
  • Yayoi Nishida, Yasuo Takahashi, Satoshi Asai. Effect of olmesartan medoxomil monotherapy on lipid metabolism: a longitudinal survey using clinical data warehouse. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2010. 112. 176P-176P
Patents (7):
  • 呼気分析装置を用いた肝硬変検査方法および装置
  • 虚血状態の検査方法
  • 医療情報処理システム、医療画像を表示する端末及びアプリケーションサーバ
  • レントゲン写真のデジタル化装置
  • 特定支援システム及び測定支援方法
Books (5):
  • エース薬理学
    南山堂 2020
  • 13C呼気試験の実際
    13C医学応用研究会 2007
  • 消化器病学の進歩2005
    日本消化器病学会(メディカルヴュー社) 2005
  • 神経系の薬理学(遠藤仁、橋本敬太郎、後藤勝年 編)医系薬理学
    中外医学社 1997
  • Involvement of the hippocampal glutamatergic system in short-term memory. In: Brain Processes and Memory(ed. Ishikawa, K., McGauch, J. L. and Sakata, H.)
    Elsevier Science B.V.,Amsterdam 1996
Lectures and oral presentations  (95):
  • 肝障害のリスクに相乗的に影響を及ぼす薬物間相互作用の探索:機械学習アルゴリズムを用いたシグナル検出
    (日本薬学会 第143年会(北海道大学) 2023)
  • Identifying antidepressants less likely to cause hyponatremia: triangulation of retrospective cohort, disproportionality, and pharmacodynamic studies
  • 日本大学医学部220万人15年間の医療ビッグデータを基にした臨床薬理学的研究
    (第41回日本臨床薬理学会学術総会 2020)
  • 日大病院の15年240万人の医療ビッグデータ(病名・検査・投薬他)を基にした薬理学的研究展開
    (第97回日本生理学会大会 2020)
  • 日大病院の15年240万人の医療ビックデータ(病名・検査・投薬他)を基にした薬理学的研究展開
    (第97回日本生理学会大会 2020)
Education (2):
  • - 1990 Nihon University Graduate School, Division of Medicine
  • - 1986 Nihon University Faculty of Medicine
Committee career (3):
  • 日本薬理学会 評議員
  • 日本薬理学会 代議員
  • 日本臨床薬理学会 評議員
Association Membership(s) (8):
日本大腸肛門病学会 ,  International Society for Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism ,  日本膵臓学会 ,  日本臨床薬理学会 ,  日本抗加齢医学会 ,  日本脳科学会 ,  日本神経化学会 ,  日本薬理学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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