Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine ,Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences,Okayama University
About Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine ,Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences,Okayama University
Research and activities in periodontal disease prevention and health promotion in a community
Brushing the crown and the abutment teeth
Submandibular-sublingual salivary proteins which promote the adhesion of #IDBStreptococcus(/)-#IRDB #IDBmutans(/)-#IRDB to tooth enamel(Purification and characterization)
Rodriguez AP, Inoue M, Tsujigiwa H, Hailong H, Kishimoto E, Gunduz M, Nagatsuka H, Akao M, Nagai N. Characterization of CaTiO3-aC prepared by modified thermal decomposition method. Proceedings ISACB. 2008. 210-213
Effect of carbon in CaTiO3 materials on cell proliferation and differentiation for medical application.
(The 4th International Symposium on Apatite and Correlative Biomaterials 2008)
A preliminary comparative study of CaTiO3 prepared by different methods
(第17回硬組織再生生物学会学術大会・総会 2008)