J-GLOBAL ID:200901036022026138
Update date: Aug. 28, 2020
Konno Toichi
コンノ トウイチ | Konno Toichi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Resarch assistant
Research field (1):
Basic physical chemistry
Research keywords (6):
, ファンデルワールス錯体
, 赤外分光
, Cluster
, van der Waals complex
, Infrared spectroscopy
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- ファンデルワールス錯体の高分解能赤外分光に関する研究
- High-Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of Van der Waals Complex
Papers (1):
Toichi Konno, Shinya Yamaguchi, Yasushi Ozaki. Infrared diode laser spectroscopy of N-2-(CO2)-C-12-O-18. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY. 2011. 270. 1. 66-69
MISC (17):
Toichi Konno, Shin-ichi Fukuda, Yasushi Ozaki. Infrared spectroscopy of Ne-12C18O2 and Xe-12C18O2: Change in the CO2 intramolecular potential by formation of rare gas-CO2 complexes. Chemical Physics Letters. 2006. 421. 4-6. 421-426
T Konno, S Fukuda, Y Ozaki. Infrared spectroscopy of Kr-(CO2)-C-12-O-18: Change in the CO2 intramolecular potential by complex formation and isotope effect on the vibrationally averaged intermolecular geometry. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS. 2005. 414. 4-6. 331-335
Toichi Konno, Yasushi Ozaki. Infrared spectroscopy of (12C18O2)2 and isotope effect on the vibrationally averaged structure of (CO2)2. Chemical Physics Letters. 2004. 394, 198-202
Yasushi Ozaki, Koui Horiai, Toichi Konno, Hiromichi Uehara. Infrared absorption spectroscopy of Ar-12C18O2 : Change in the intramolecular potential upon complex formation. Chemical Physics Letters. 2001. 335. 3/4. 188-194
H Uehara, K Horiai, T Konno. Analysis of vibration-rotational spectra of KH. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE. 1997. 413. 457-462
Lectures and oral presentations (50):
(第4回分子科学討論会 2010)
(第3回分子科学討論会 2009)
(第50回大気環境学会年会 2009)
(電気化学秋季大会(第48回化学センサ研究発表会) 2009)
van der Waals錯体、ROR’-CO<sub>2</sub>とROR’-OCS(R=R’=CH<sub>3</sub>, CH<sub>3</sub>CH<sub>2</sub>; R=CH<sub>3</sub>, R’=CH<sub>3</sub>CH<sub>2</sub>)の量子化学計算
(第2回分子科学討論会 2008)
Works (4):
1994 - 1995
Diode laser spectroscopy of cluster produced by pick up methods
1994 - 1995
1979 - 1984
Measurements of tritium in environmental water by electrolytic enrichment
1979 - 1984
Education (2):
- - 1973 Josai University Faculty of Sciences Department of Chemistry
- - 1973 Josai University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (2):
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