Practice of Online Lessons in Small-Group, Seminar-Type Courses for the First Year of University: Sharing of "Places" in Online Lessons. 2021. 9. 77-87
Hyeseon Jung, Sayo Tsutsui, Miki Hirata, Mioko Yoshinaga. Special Issue: Rethinking "Conviviality" in the Sociolinguistic Sciences. The Japanese Journal of Language in Society. 2021. 24. 1. 1-4
Society for the Study of Japanese Language and Culture
, 第二言語習得研究会
, 社会藝術学会
, 社会言語科学会
, International Pragmatics Association
, 日本語教育学会
, Kansai Conversation Analysis Research Group
, 日本言語学会