Three-Dimensional Microvascular Architecture of the Testis and Excurrent Duct System Studied by Corrosion Casting-Scanning Electron Microscopy
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Vascular Casts 1992
Three-Dimensional Microvascular Architecture of the Testis and Excurrent Duct System Studied by Corrosion Casting-Scanning Electron Microscopy
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Vascular Casts 1992
Microvasculature of the Ovary
Ultrastructure of the Ovary 1991
Microvasculature of the Ovary
Ultrastructure of the Ovary 1991
Three-Dimensional Vascular Architecture of the Malpighi's Glomerular Capillary Beds as Studied by Vascular Corrosion Casting-SEM Method
Cells and Tissues : A Three-Dimensional Approach by Modern Techniques in Microscopy 1989