J-GLOBAL ID:200901037077166601   Update date: Jan. 30, 2024

Yasuhara Tomohisa

ヤスハラ トモヒサ | Yasuhara Tomohisa
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research field  (1): Pharmaceuticals - chemistry and drug development
Research keywords  (6): TBL ,  Peer evaluation ,  チーム基盤型学習 ,  分野横断型教育 ,  薬学教育 ,  Pharmacy Education
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (6):
  • 2022 - 2026 薬剤師に求められるコンピテンシーへの到達を大学横断的に測定する
  • 2022 - 2025 Factor Search to Support Stratified Optimization of First-Year Chemistry Education in Higher Education
  • 薬学に於ける化学教育へのチーム基盤型学習(TBL)の導入
  • 分野横断的統合型薬学教育
  • 薬学教育に於ける模擬患者はたす役割
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Papers (53):
  • Yasuhara Tomohisa, Nagata Misa, Hirata Kana, Kushihata Taro, Ueda Masahiro, Sone Tomomichi. Evaluation of learning outcomes and processes in TBL-PBL hybrid active learning with mixed methods. Japanese Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2022. 6. n/a
  • Yasuhara Tomohisa, Saka Yuka, Kushihata Taro, Ueda Masahiro, Nagata Misa, Sone Tomomichi. A survey of students’ perceptions of online classes by learning domain for first to fourth-year pharmacy students. Japanese Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2022. 6. n/a
  • Kushihata Taro, Sumiyama Masahide, Nagata Misa, Ueda Masahiro, Kurio Wasako, Yasuhara Tomohisa, Sone Tomomichi. Factors affecting the learning outcomes of early clinical exposure:-An effective experience in hospital settings-. Japanese Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2021. 5. n/a
  • Yasuhara Tomohisa, Kosaka Tetsuya, Kushihata Taro, Nagata Misa, Ueda Masahiro, Kurio Wasako, Sone Tomomichi. A student survey on attitudes toward peer evaluations over four years. Japanese Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2021. 5. n/a
  • Nagata Misa, Yasuhara Tomohisa, Kushihata Taro, Ueda Masahiro, Kurio Wasako, Sone Tomomichi, Kohno Takeyuki. Construction of a practical disaster prevention drill including the operation of temporary disaster shelters and rescue centers at the university and application in disaster medical education. Japanese Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2021. 5. 0. n/a
MISC (35):
  • 木下 淳, 安田 素子, 安原 智久, 臼井 晴香, 上田 昌宏, 串畑 太郎, 永田 実沙, 曽根 知道, 藤本 高弘, 三宅 圭一, et al. 兵庫県における在宅薬剤業務に対して抱く薬剤師の意識および理想や不安に関する調査. 日本薬剤師会雑誌 = Journal of the Japan Pharmaceutical Association. 2023. 75. 2. 145-153
  • The educational effects of group work facilitation and peer support in basic laboratory training. 2020. 4. 95-105
  • A systematic review of the educational effects of early clinical exposure and the current status of pharmaceutical education research in Japan. 2020. 4. 107-112
  • A comparison of the educational effects of student groups with different learning order strategies. 2020. 4. 121-126
  • A trial and evaluation of organic chemistry education using gamification for first-year pharmacy students. 2020. 4. 147-156
Education (5):
  • - 2002 Kyoto University
  • - 2002 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • - 2000 Kyoto University
  • - 1998 Kyoto University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • - 1998 Kyoto University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(薬学) (京都大学)
Association Membership(s) (6):
日本医学教育学会 ,  日本死と臨床研究会 ,  ファーマシューティカルコミュニケーション学会 ,  日本緩和医療薬学会 ,  日本緩和医療学会 ,  日本薬学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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