Job title:
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2005 - 2006 再生不良性貧血の前方視症例登録:セントラルレビュー
2004 - 2005 再生不良性貧血の前方視症例登録:セントラルレビュー
Papers (244):
Ishikawa M, Matsuda A, Okamura D, Maeda T, Kawai N, Asou N, Bessho M. The progression of severe aplastic anemia to hypoplastic leukemia in a long-term observation after the administration of pegylated rHuMGDF. Hematology Reports. 2018. 10. 7679. 56-58
Y Nakamura, H Kayano, E Kakegawa, H Miyazaki, T Nagai, Y Uchida, Y Ito, N Wakimoto, S Mori and M Bessho. Identification of SUPT3H as a novel 8q24/MYC partner in blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm with t(6;8)(p21;q24) translocation. Blood Cancer Journal. 2015. 5. e301