Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2019 - 2023 Tokugawa recoinage policy and Merchants
2011 - 2014 Archival research on correspondences of an Ise merchant Nagai family: arrangement, preservation, disclosure and building infrastructure for further research
Papers (16):
Nami OGURA, Atsuko SUZUKI, Katsue FUKAMACHI, Shozo SHIBATA. Chrysanthemum trends in Kyoto during the Shotoku to Kyoho periods and the origin of uekiya-nakama. Landscape Research Japan Online. 2023. 16. 115-125
Atsuko Suzuki. Edo Koban 60-me. Discussion Papers in Economics and Business. 2023. 22-04-Rev.2. 1-182
Atsuko Suzuki. The novel business method of kimono merchant Mitsui Echigoya in early modern Japan. Discussion Papers in Economics and Business. 2023. 23-06. 1-94
Atsuko Suzuki, The Workshop on, Historical Documen, abou, Tokugawa Ja, an's, Econom. 【Archival Material】The Store Rules, Manners, and Admonition of the Ise Merchant "Izukura Gohee" in 1688. The Journal of Mitsui Research Institute for Social and Economic History. 2022. 56. 313-348
Master of Arts in Area Studies (University of Tsukuba)
Work history (1):
1999/06 - 現在 Library of Economics, Graduate School of Economics,Osaka University Assistant
Committee career (4):
2018/02 - 現在 大阪府立中之島図書館 くずし字入門講座講師
2013/07 - 現在 企業史料協議会 くずし字研究会講師
2008/04 - 現在 公益財団法人奈良屋記念杉本家保存会 古文書調査員
2009/02 - 2012/03 日野町史編さん委員会 日野町史執筆委員
Awards (1):
2018/09 - The BHSJ-SBS Best Paper for 2018
Association Membership(s) (4):
The Political Economy and Economic History Society
, Business History Society of JAPAN
, Forum for Entrepreneurial Studies
, The Socio-Economic History Society