J-GLOBAL ID:200901037810841159   Update date: Apr. 01, 2024

Aiko Shiohama

シオハマ アイコ | Aiko Shiohama
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Project Assistant Professor (Non-tenured)/Project Research Associate (Non-tenured)/Project Instructor (Non-tenured)
Research field  (2): Dermatology ,  Genomics
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (11):
  • 2017 - 現在 長島型掌蹠角化症の変異未同定患者の変異探索と表皮菌叢情報に基づいた治療方法の確立
  • 2016 - 現在 黄色ブドウ球菌増殖を伴う皮膚炎自然発症モデルマウスを用いた皮膚炎発症機構解明
  • 2014 - 2017 Clarification of the pathogenesis of atopic disease by using filaggrin deficient mice in dry environment
  • 2014 - 2017 SERPINB7の機能解析に基づく長島型掌蹠角化症の病態解明と治療薬開発
  • 2011 - 2013 Analysis of ma1,candidate responsible gene for atopic dermatitis, andelucidation of molecular mechanism for the dermatitis caused by ma1 deficiency
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Papers (29):
  • Fumiyo Yasuda-Sekiguchi, Aiko Shiohama, Ayano Fukushima, Shoko Obata, Naoko Mochimaru, Aki Honda, Hiroshi Kawasaki, Akiharu Kubo, Tamotsu Ebihara, Masayuki Amagai, et al. Single nucleotide variations in genes associated with innate immunity are enriched in Japanese adult cases of face and neck type atopic dermatitis. Journal of dermatological science. 2021. 101. 2. 93-100
  • Kubo A, Sasaki T, Suzuki H, Shiohama A, Aoki S, Sato S, Fujita H, Ono N, Umegaki-Arao N, Kawai T, et al. Clonal expansion of second-hit cells with somatic recombinations or C>T transitions form porokeratosis in MVD or MVK mutant heterozygotes. The Journal of investigative dermatology. 2019. 139. 12. 2458-2466
  • Aiko Yamauchi, Akiharu Kubo, Noriko Ono, Aiko Shiohama, Daisuke Tsuruta, Kazuyoshi Fukai. Three cases of Nagashima-type palmoplantar keratosis associated with atopic dermatitis: A diagnostic pitfall. Journal of Dermatology. 2018. 45. 5. e112-e113
  • Shiohama Aiko. 手掌足蹠の悪臭を訴えた長島型掌蹠角化症の1例. Journal of Pediatric Dermatology. 2017. 36. 3. 190-193
  • Katsuno, M, Shiohama, A, Aoki, S, Kitamura, H, Sasaki, T, Amagai, M, Kubo, A. Novel nonsense mutation in SERPINB7 and the treatment of foot odor in a patient with Nagashima-type palmoplantar keratosis. J Dermatol. 2017. 44. 7. e146-e147
MISC (17):
  • Umegaki-Arao N, Ono N, Tanaka R, Sasaki T, Fujita H, Shiohama A, Aoki S, Amagai M, Kubo A. A nonepidermolytic keratinocytic epidermal naevus associated with a postzygotic mutation in the gene encoding epidermal growth factor receptor. British Journal of Dermatology. 2019. 182. 5. 1303-1305
  • Aiko Yamauchi, Akiharu Kubo, Noriko Ono, Aiko Shiohama, Daisuke Tsuruta, Kazuyoshi Fukai. Three cases of Nagashima-type palmoplantar keratosis associated with atopic dermatitis: A diagnostic pitfall. Journal of Dermatology. 2018. 45. 5. e112-e113
  • 仁木真理子, 広瀬 憲志, 塩濱 愛子, 久保 亮治. 長島型掌蹠角化症-遺伝子解析も含めて-. 皮膚病診療. 2014. 36. 8. 749
  • A. Kubo, A. Shiohama, T. Sasaki, K. Nakabayashi, J. Kudoh, K. Hata, A. Umezawa, Y. Tokura, A. Ishiko, H. Niizeki, et al. Mutations in SERPINB7, encoding a serine protease inhibitor, cause Nagashima-type palmoplantar keratosis. JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY. 2014. 134. S73-S73
  • 佐々木貴史, 塩濱愛子, 天谷雅行. 皮膚バリア異常を示す自然発症皮膚炎モデルマウス. 日本臨床免疫学会会誌. 2014. 37. 3
Lectures and oral presentations  (52):
  • アトピー性皮膚炎患者に対する次亜塩素酸ナトリウム含有浴(Bleach bath)療法が皮膚細菌叢及び臨床症状へ与える影響の検討
    (第38回日本炎症再生医学会 2017)
  • 長島型掌蹠角化症の遺伝子変異解析
    (第115回日本皮膚科学会総会 2016)
  • 片側性・列序性に分布する表皮母斑・掌蹠角化・縮毛を認めた列序性表皮母斑の一例
    (第275回日本皮膚科学会東海地方会 2016)
  • Tmem79欠損マウスは黄色ブドウ球菌増殖を伴う部位特異的皮膚炎を自然発症する
    (第36回日本炎症再生医学会 2015)
  • アトピー性皮膚炎患者に対するbleach bath療法の試み
    (第64回日本アレルギー学会学術大会 2015)
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(医学) (慶應義塾大学)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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