J-GLOBAL ID:200901038383996061
Update date: Sep. 22, 2022
Shiode Daisuke
シオデ ダイスケ | Shiode Daisuke
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Affiliation and department:
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
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Job title:
Research Associate
Research field (1):
Research keywords (7):
, 混獲
, Fisheries technology
, Fishing Gear
, 漁法
, 漁具
, 漁業
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
Bycatch issues on Fisheries Sampling gear
Papers (15):
Maika Shiozawa, Daisuke Shiode, Fuxiang Hu, Tadashi Tokai, Masato Kobayashi. Propulsive force generated by flipper beat of sea turtles. NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI. 2016. 82. 4. 550-558
Xiaoli Shen, Fuxiang Hu, Taisei Kumazawa, Daisuke Shiode, Tadashi Tokai. Hydrodynamic characteristics of a hyper-lift otter board with wing-end plates. FISHERIES SCIENCE. 2015. 81. 3. 433-442
Satoko Tamura, Daisuke Shiode, Yukari Kaneko, Fuxiang Fu, Tadashi Tokai, Masato Kobayashi, Osamu Abe. Behavior of sea turtles to a turtle releasing device (TRD) for set nets of the mid-water and sea-bottom bagnet type. NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI. 2014. 80. 6. 900-907
Fanomezantsoa Randriarilala, Toshihide Kitakado, Daisuke Shiode, Masayuki Sakaguchi, Toshifumi Hayashi, Tadashi Tokai. Density estimation of the giant jellyfish Nemopilema nomurai around Japan using an alternative modified detection function for left truncation in a line transect survey. FISHERIES SCIENCE. 2014. 80. 2. 261-271
Mohamed Salah Mahjoub, Seiichi Takeda, Toshifumi Hayashi, Daisuke Shiode, Takafumi Arimoto, Tadashi Tokai. Codend selectivity for jack mackerel and whitefin jack and unequal split parameter estimates observed in trouser trawl experiments. FISHERIES SCIENCE. 2011. 77. 2. 169-181
MISC (32):
ZHU Yuanyuan, 塩出大輔, HU Fuxiang, 濱田浩明, 野田明, 東海正. Sampling Performance of COC-MOHT for Lantern Fish (Myctophidae). 水産工学. 2018. 55. 1. 11-19-19
塩澤 舞香, 塩出 大輔, 胡 夫祥, 東海 正, 平井 良夫. Estimation of the Propulsive Force Generated by Loggerhead Turtles Caretta Caretta for Appropriate Design of Turtle Releasing Device in Set Nets. 水産工学 = Fisheries engineering. 2018. 55. 1. 1-10
塩出 大輔, 志賀 未知瑠, Hu Fuxiang, 東海 正. A Midwater Float System with Long Float Lines for Sea Turtle Bycatch Reduction in Pelagic Longline Fisheries : Potential for Catch Efficiency of Bigeye Tuna Thunnus Obesus. 水産工学 = Fisheries engineering. 2018. 54. 3. 185-195
上嶋 紘生, 生井沢 知佳, 戸髙 耀介, 塩﨑 航, 藤波 裕樹, 宮崎 唯史, 塩出 大輔, 根本 雅生. Development of a vertical longline for fisheries biological studies on sharks. La mer. 2017. 55. 3. 89-101
Shuchuang Dong, Fuxiang Hu, Taisei Kumazawa, Daisuke Siode, Tadashi Tokai. Hydrodynamic characteristics of plane netting used for aquaculture net cages in uniform current. NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI. 2016. 82. 3. 282-289
Education (4):
- 2000 Hokkaido University
- 2000 Hokkaido University Graduate School, Division of Fisheries
- 1994 Hokkaido University School of Fisheries Sciences
- 1994 Hokkaido University Faculty of Fisheries
Professional career (1):
博士(水産学) (北海道大学)
Association Membership(s) (2):
, The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
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