J-GLOBAL ID:200901038510551252
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
ムラタ レオ | MURATA Leo
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Affiliation and department:
Meijigakuin University
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Detailed information
Job title:
Research field (1):
Research keywords (3):
, Analytic Number Theory
, 数学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2009 - 2011 On a relation between arithmetical functions and code theory, the distribution of residual orders.
2006 - 2009 The distribution of residual orders and residual indices in the residual groups with composite moduli.
2002 - 2006 The distribution of residual indices and residual orders, and estimates of character sums.
1999 - 2002 The distribution of primitive roots and estimates of character sum
Papers (30):
On a density property of the residual order of
). Journal of The Mathematical Society of Japan. 2021. 73. 3. 671-680
Yuichi Kamiya, Leo Murata. Certain codes related to generalized paperfolding sequences. JOURNAL DE THEORIE DES NOMBRES DE BORDEAUX. 2015. 27. 1. 149-169
知念 宏司. On a Distribution Property of The Residual Order of
). Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest., Comp. 2013. 41. 187-211
Yuichi KAMIYA. Relations among arithmetical functions, automatic sequences and sum of digits functions indeuced by certain Gray codes. 2012. 24. 2. 307 - 337
Yuichi Kamiya. On the average of some q-additive functions. Annals Univ. Sci. Budapest., Sect. Comp. 2008. 29. 39 - 63
Lectures and oral presentations (42):
Relations among arithmetical functions, sum of digits functions and paper-folding sequences.
(The second mini symposium of the Roman Number Theory Association 2016)
(Z/pZ)* や (Z/pqZ)* での剰余指数・剰余位数の分布について
(日本数学会 秋季総合分科会 代数学分科会 特別講演 2011)
On a distribution property of the multiplicative order of a(mod p) and a(mod pq)
(Colorado Univ. Kempner Colloquium 2010)
(AC2009 代数学と計算 シンポジウム 2009)
A Relation between simple Arithmetical Functions and Code Systems.
(Zeta Function Days at Seoul 2009)
Works (1):
D. P. Parent 著『数論問題ゼミ1,2 (全2冊)』
1987 -
Education (2):
1976 - 1982 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
1971 - 1975 University of Tokyo Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics
Professional career (2):
理学学士 (東京大学)
Doctor of Science (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Work history (4):
2000/04 - 現在 Meijigakuin University Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics
1991/04 - 2000/03 Meijigakuin University
1985/04 - 1991/03 Meijigakuin University
1982/04 - 1985/03 Meijigakuin University
Committee career (2):
2002 - 2004 The Mathematical Society of Japan
2002 - 2004 日本数学会 雑誌「数学」編集委員
Association Membership(s) (1):
The Mathematical Society of Japan
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