J-GLOBAL ID:200901038651960768
Update date: Sep. 12, 2022
Kuroda Eiki
クロダ エイキ | Kuroda Eiki
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Affiliation and department:
Iwate University Faculty of Agriculture
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Detailed information
Job title:
Research field (1):
Crop production science
Research keywords (4):
, イネ
, 作物学
, Crop Science
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2015 - 2018 耐塩性品種Kaijinと「ひとめぼれ」の津波被災水田における実証試験
2006 - 2009 寒冷地における晩生・極晩生飼料イネ品種の乾物生産特性および成分特性の解明と多収栽培法の構築
Difference in single leaf photosynthesis of rice varieties
Analysis on Characteristics of dry matter production process in high-yielding rice varieties bred for cold climate regions
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Papers (4):
Pham Quang Duy, Daisuke Tanaka, Akira Abe, Satoru Sagawa, Eiki Kuroda. Analysis of the number of spikelets per panicle on the main stems, primary and secondary tillers of different rice genotypes grown under the conventional and nitrogen-free basal dressing accompanied with sparse planting density practices. Plant Production Science. 2004. 7. 4. 456-462
Pham Quang Duy, Akira Abe, Mitsugu Hirano, Satoru Sagawa, EikiKuroda. Analysis of lodging-resistant characteristics of different rice genotypes grown under the standard and nitrogen-free basal dressing accompanied with sparse planting density practices. Plant Production Science. 2004. 7. 2. 243-251
HIRANO Mitsugu, UEYAMA Junko, TRUONG Hop Tac, KURODA Eiki, MURATA Takao. Relationships between the Contents of Carbohydrates and Cell Wall Materials in the Stems of Rice during Grain Filling. Jpn. J. Crop Sci. 1999. 68. 1. 99-104
平野 貢, 杉山美保子, 畠山陽子, 黒田栄喜, 村田孝雄黒田, 栄喜. 基肥窒素無施用の施肥体系と疎植の組合せ栽培において米糠の施用 が水稲品種ひとめぼれの乾物重と葉身および茎の炭水化物代謝に及 ぼす影響. 日作紀. 1998. 67. 2. 208-215
MISC (20):
黒田栄喜, 阿部進, 石橋富久子, 平野貢, 村田孝雄. 水稲における1株穂数と主茎,1次分げつおよび2次分げつ1穂籾数との関係の品種間差異. 日本作物学会紀事. 1999. 68. 3. 385-389
黒田栄喜, 東直邦, 岡田貴, 阿部進, 平野貢, 村田孝雄. 寒冷地を対象とした新規育成品種における収量性,各収量構成要素および収穫指数の比較. 日作紀. 1999. 68. 2. 235-244
Varietal difference in the relationship between the number of panicle per hill and the number of spikelets per panicle on the main stem and on primary and secondary tillers of rice. Japan. Jour. Crop Sci. 1999. 68. 3. 385-389
Comparison of yielding ability, yield conponent and harvest index in new rice varieties bred for cold climate regions. Japan. Jour. Crop Sci. 1999. 68. 2. 235-244
Truong Hop Tac. Effect of top-dressing and planting density on the number of spikelets and yield of rice cultivated with nitrogen-free basal dressing. Plant Production Science. 1998. 1. 3. 191-198
Books (4):
農文協 2010
「植物生産生理学」朝倉書店 1994
Crop production and photosinthesis
「Plant proctucion and physiology」 Asakura Shoten 1994
Works (2):
2001 -
Development of a rice simulator interfacing gene function to field performance
2001 -
Education (2):
- 1984 The University of Tokyo
- 1984 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Agricultural Science
Professional career (2):
Committee career (1):
1998 - 日本作物学会 評議員
Awards (1):
1991 - 日本作物学会賞
Association Membership(s) (3):
米国植物生理学会 (American society of plant physiologists)
, 日本植物生理学会
, 日本作物学会
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