J-GLOBAL ID:200901038795270863   Update date: Dec. 18, 2024

Ishikawa Akira

イシカワ アキラ | Ishikawa Akira
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): https://www.agr.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~ikushu/
Research field  (5): Plant genetics and breeding ,  Zoological sciences ,  Laboratory animal science ,  Animals: biochemistry, physiology, behavioral science ,  Animal production science
Research keywords  (16): 育種学 ,  genetics ,  育種 ,  mice ,  chicken ,  quantitative trait loci ,  quantitative traits ,  実験動物 ,  家禽 ,  家畜 ,  quantitative trait loci ,  quantitative traits ,  genetics ,  laboratory animal ,  poultry ,  livestock
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (34):
  • 2022 - 2027 ニワトリ・ウズラリソースの収集・保存・提供
  • 2022 - 2026 Elucidation of the genetic basis for the temperament of chickens and identification of the causal genes
  • 2022 - 2025 ニワトリ新規ゲノム育種マーカーの開発事業
  • 2021 - 2023 地場産業の国際競争力強化につなげる東海発ゲノム育種:鳥類バイオサイエンスの展開と家禽の新規系統樹立をめざして
  • 2020 - 2021 ニワトリの従順生に関する品種間差とその遺伝要因の探索
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Papers (89):
  • Velasco VV, Ochiai T, Tsudzuki M, Goto N, Ishikawa A. Quantitative trait loci mapping of innate fear behavior in day-old F2 chickens of Japanese Oh-Shamo and White Leghorn breeds using restriction site-associated DNA sequencing. Poultry science. 2024. 103. 1. 103228
  • Akira Ishikawa, Tomoka Takanuma, Norikazu Hashimoto, Tatsuhiko Goto, Masaoki Tsudzuki. New Behavioral Handling Test Reveals Temperament Differences in Native Japanese Chickens. Animals. 2023. 13. 22. 3556-3556
  • Kobayashi M, Kanbe F, Ishii R, Tsubouchi H, Hirai K, Miyasaka Y, Ohno T, Oda H, Ikeda S, Katoh H, et al. C3H/HeNSlc mouse with low phospholipid transfer protein expression showed dyslipidemia. Scientific reports. 2023. 13. 1. 13813
  • Terashima, M, Velasco, VV, Goto, N, Tsudzuki, M, Ishikawa, A. Differences in innate fear behaviour in native Japanese chickens. BRITISH POULTRY SCIENCE. 2023. 64. 4. 448-455
  • Ochiai, T, Sakaguchi, M, Kawakami, SI, Ishikawa, A. Identification of candidate genes responsible for innate fear behavior in the chicken. G3-GENES GENOMES GENETICS. 2023. 13. 2
MISC (54):
  • 石川明, 坂口真梨奈, 永野惇, 鈴木彩絵. 名古屋と白色レグホーン品種間のF2初生雛における生得的恐怖反応のQTL解析. 日本家禽学会誌. 2021. 58
  • 坂口真梨奈, 永野惇, 石川明. ニワトリのオープンフィールド行動に関するQTL解析. 日本畜産学会大会講演要旨. 2019. 125th
  • Takashi Ono, Ken Ohara, Akira Ishikawa, Tomomi Kouguchi, Atsushi J. Nagano, Atsushi Takenouchi, Takeshi Igawa, Masaoki Tsudzuki. Mapping of quantitative trait loci for growth and carcass-related traits in chickens using a restriction-site associated dna sequencing method. Journal of Poultry Science. 2019. 56. 3. 166-176
  • Akira Ishikawa. A strategy for identifying quantitative trait genes using gene expression analysis and causal analysis. Genes. 2017. 8. 12
  • 小野貴史, 河口友美, 永野惇, 石川明, 石川明, 竹之内惇, 都築政起, 都築政起. RAD-seq法に基づいたニワトリ胸肉の剪断力価に関するQTL解析. 日本家禽学会誌. 2017. 54
Books (5):
  • 6. 量的形質とその遺伝. In: 動物遺伝育種学
    朝倉書店 2017 ISBN:9784254450309
  • VI-2.スンクスにおける遺伝的マーカーの開発. スンクスの生物学(磯村源蔵、織田銑一、東家一雄、宮木孝昌 編集)
    学会出版センター(東京都) 2011
  • Avian Genomics in Evolution, Agriculture and Health (Smith, J. and Nanda, I., eds.) ; Identification of quantitative trait loci affecting shank length, body weight and carcass weight from the Japanese cockfighting chicken breed, Oh-Shamo (Japanese Large Game)
    Cytogenetics and Genome Research (ISBN 978-3-8055-8338-1.) 2007
  • Avian Genomics in Evolution, Agriculture and Health (Smith, J. and Nanda, I., eds.) ; Identification of quantitative trait loci affecting shank length, body weight and carcass weight from the Japanese cockfighting chicken breed, Oh-Shamo (Japanese Larg・・・
    Cytogenetics and Genome Research (ISBN 978-3-8055-8338-1.) 2007
  • Avian Genomics in Evolution, Agriculture and Health (Smith, J. and Nanda, I., eds.) ; Identification of quantitative trait loci affecting shank length, body weight and carcass weight from the Japanese cockfighting chicken breed, Oh-Shamo (Japanese Larg・・・
    Cytogenetics and Genome Research (ISBN 978-3-8055-8338-1.) 2007
Professional career (2):
  • Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (Nagoya University)
  • Master of Agricultural Sciences (Nagoya University)
Association Membership(s) (15):
Animal Science Journal ,  Genes ,  Scientific Reports ,  Labaratory Animal Research ,  Genes ,  Life ,  Frontiers in Genetics ,  The American Society of Mammalogists ,  東海畜産学会 ,  日本家禽学会 ,  日本動物遺伝育種学会 ,  日本畜産学会 ,  日本実験動物学会 ,  The American Society of Mammalogists ,  International Mammalian Genome Society
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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