J-GLOBAL ID:200901038844304574   Update date: Aug. 30, 2024

Matsui Tatsunori

マツイ タツノリ | Matsui Tatsunori
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Homepage URL  (1): http://w-mtlab.info/
Research field  (3): Educational technology ,  Intelligent informatics ,  Sensitivity (kansei) informatics
Research keywords  (1): KANSEI Information Sciense, Data Science, Educational Technology, e-learning, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Information Science
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (30):
  • 2021 - 2024 「体感」により「教える技能」の伝達を支援するシステムの開発に向けた学際的基盤研究
  • 2019 - 2022 Implementation of a safety education system based on an active LMS to prevent serious accidents that could be prevented by education
  • 2018 - 2021 神経科学の知見による教授戦略モデルに基づく学習支援エージェントの設計基盤の開発
  • 2017 - 2020 学習価値を高めるコンテキスト共有プロセスの解明とその授業実践を支援するツール開発
  • 2017 - 2020 Development of a foundation system for learner understanding bridging among learner physiological-measurements, tutors, and learning support systems
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Papers (193):
  • Koichi Shinohara, Keiichi Muramatsu, Tatsunori Matsui. Development of Estimation Method for Learner's Emotional Concealment during Learning Using Biometric Information and Feedback Model. 31st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2023 - Proceedings. 2023. 1. 132-134
  • Yoshimasa Tawatsuji, Keiichi Muramatsu, Tatsunori Matsui. Experimental study for a computational model in ITS to predict the learners’ state. 31st International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2023 - Proceedings. 2023. 2. 942-944
  • Shigen Fang Ogata, Yoshimasa Tawatsuji, Tatsunori Matsui. Using a Drift Diffusion Model to Validate the Quantification of Style Prototypicality as Assessed by the Viewers of Paintings. Leonardo. 2023. 1-24
  • TAWATSUJI Yoshimasa, MURAMATSU Keiichi, MATSUI Tatsunori. Proposal of a hypothetical model for the persistent formation of negative impressions toward humanlike agents. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI. 2023. JSAI2023. 1K4OS11a02-1K4OS11a02
  • SHINOHARA Koichi, MATSUI Tatsunori, MURAMATSU Keiichi. Development of estimation method for learner's emotional concealment during learning using biometric information. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI. 2023. JSAI2023. 1R5OS10b05-1R5OS10b05
MISC (62):
  • Trial Study on Estimation of Learner's Mental States from Physiological Indexes Considering Persistent Model of Mental States. 2017. 80. 44-49
  • Experimental Study on Estimation of Learner's Mental States using Multifaceted Learning-related Data. 2017. 117. 119. 45-50
  • Functional Processing of Brain Generating Negative Emotional Response toward Human-like Agents. 2016. 31. 5. 656-663
  • The qualitative model for cortico-cerebellar system generating error detection toward a facial expression of humanlike agent. 2016. 76. 1-6
  • MURAMATSU,Keiichi, FANG,Siyuan, TANAKA,Eiichirou, WATANUKI,Keiichi, MATSUI,Tatsunori. P-11 Experimental Study on Color Preference as Implicit Attitude toward Color Combinations(Proceedings of the 46^<th> Annual Meeting). 2015. 39. 5_SUPPLEMENT. 128-129
Books (10):
  • ICT活用教育-先端教育への挑戦
    海青社 2008
  • 人工知能と教育工学-知識創産指向の新しい教育システム
    オーム社 2008
  • eラーニングの理論と実際(分担執筆)
    丸善 2004
  • 情報教育の学習評価(分担執筆)
    丸善 2003
  • 多変量解析実例ハンドブック(分担執筆)
    朝倉書店 2002
Lectures and oral presentations  (184):
  • 時間概念を考慮した表情認知に係る脳機能の定性的記述に関する枠組みの提案
    (第31回人工知能学会全国大会 2017)
  • メタ認知的活動に着目した反省モデルを有した食事推薦エージェントの有効性の検証
    (第31回人工知能学会全国大会 2017)
  • 機械学習を用いた学習者の生体情報と心的状態の関係性抽出の試み
    (第31回人工知能学会全国大会 2017)
  • 機械学習を用いた学習者の生体情報からの心的状態推定の試み
    (第1回学習分析学会研究会 2017)
  • 即応型擬人化エージェントの外見と動作がユーザ印象に与える影響
    (教育システム情報学会2017年度第1回研究会 2017)
Education (3):
  • 1990 - 1994 Waseda University Graduate School of Science and Engineering Department of Mathematics
  • 1988 - 1990 Waseda University Graduate School of Science and Engineering Department of Mathematics
  • 1984 - 1988 Waseda University School of Science and Engineering Department of Mathematics
Professional career (2):
  • Master of Science (Waseda University)
  • Doctor of Science (Waseda University)
Work history (10):
  • 2015/04 - : Lecturer, Faculty of Language and Literature, Bunkyo University
  • 2012/04 - 2014/03 Tokyo Gakugei University Faculty of Education Lecturer
  • 2007/04 - : Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University
  • 2006/04 - 2007/03 : Associate Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University
  • 2004/04 - 2006/03 : Associate Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University
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Committee career (5):
  • 2022/06 - 現在 Japanese Society for Learning Analytics Chairperson
  • 2020/04 - 2021/03 International Conference on Computers in Education Program Committee Member
  • International Comference on Intelligent Tutoring System Program Committee Member
  • 教育システム情報学会 重点領域検討委員会 委員長
  • 教育システム情報学会 理事
Awards (8):
  • 2017 - Outstanding Presentation Award
  • 2017 - Outstanding Reseach Award
  • 2017 - Outstanding Reseach Award
  • 2016 - Outstanding Presentation Award
  • 2012/09 - Best Paper Awrad,
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Association Membership(s) (8):
認知科学会 ,  The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence ,  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering ,  Japanese Society for Learning Analytics ,  Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education ,  Japan Society for Educational Technology ,  Information Processing Society of Japan ,  IEEE, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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