Asakura, N, Kikuchi. R. Kitchen PCR: An Experimental Programme to Experience Plant Genetic Diversity at the DNA Level. Biology Education and Research in a Changing Planet. 2015. 11-20
ASAKURA N., MORI N., ISHIDO T., OHTSUKA I., NAKAMURA C. Origin of the nucleus-cytoplasm compatibility (Ncc) gene located on chromosome 1A of timopheevi wheat for the cytoplasm of Aegilops squarrosa as revealed by analysis of the flanking DNA sequences. 2000. 2. 1. 264-264
YOSHIDA S., ASAKURA N., OOTANI R., NAKAMURA C. Proline-stimulated maize MuDR-like rice element (Os-MuDR). 2000. 2. 1. 86-86
Books (1):
化学同人 2007
Lectures and oral presentations (57):
(染色体学会第75回年会 2024)
Which organisms live in aquarium water? "Aquarium PCR": exploring DNA technologies via practical learning experiences
(The 29th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association for Biology Education 2024)
Exploring DNA experiments using rice crackers common in Asian countries.
(The 29th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association for Biology Education 2024)