J-GLOBAL ID:200901039365818446
Update date: Aug. 31, 2022
Yamada Kazutoshi
ヤマダ カズトシ | Yamada Kazutoshi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Economic statistics
Research keywords (3):
地域計量経済モデル分析 産業連関分析 時系列モデル分析
, Regional Econometric Models
, Time Series Models
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
MISC (27):
情報サービス企業の生産関数分析--集計公表データ,ミクロデータおよび疑似パネルデータ利用による比較検証--(共著). 2003
ミクロ集計値とパネルデータ利用による情報サービス企業の数量分析(共著). 1999
ミクロデータによる情報サービス企業の生産関数の計測. 1999
疑似パネルデータの作成と情報サービス企業の生産活動分析. 1999
Estimation of Production Function for Information Service Firms using Micro-Data. 1999. 227-262
Works (6):
The Micro-Data Based Econometric Study of the structural changes in the Information Service Industry
1998 - 1999
Quantitative Analysis of the Interdependency between Kyushu Economy and East-Asian Economy
1997 -
On the Economic spred effects of "Sightseeing" in Kumamoto Prefecture
1989 - 1990
The Economic Structure in Fukuoka Prefecture and the Problem to be solved
1983 - 1984
Education (4):
- - 1986 Kyushu University Graduate School, Division of Economics
- - 1981 Saga University Faculty of Economics
- Saga University Faculty of Economics
- Kyushu University
Professional career (1):
- M.A. in Economics (Kyushu University)
Work history (4):
- 1994 - 1998 Kurume University, Faculty of Economics, Associate Professor
- 1993 - 1994 Kurume University, Faculty of Commerce, Associate Professor
- 1989 - 1993 Kumamoto University, Faculty of Law, Associate Professor
- 1986 - 1989 Kumamoto University, Faculty of Law, Lecturer
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 西日本理論経済学会
, 日本OR学会
, 日本統計学会
, 日本経済学会
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