J-GLOBAL ID:200901039826146887
Update date: Sep. 20, 2022
Okita Kazuhiko
オキタ カズヒコ | Okita Kazuhiko
Affiliation and department:
Research field (3):
, Healthcare management, medical sociology
, Science education
Research keywords (6):
, 理学療法教育
, 理学療法
, medical anthropology
, physical therapy education
, physical therapy
Research theme for competitive and other funds (12):
- 理学療法学生に対する問題解決型教育の方法について
- 膝損傷患者における動作中の機能代償性について
- 腰痛症患者に対する対果的な運動療法手技の開発
- Development of the method of problem-solving education for physical therapy students.
- Functional compensation of patients with the knee injury during various activities.
- Development of effective therapeutic exercise appoach for low back pain patients.
- 整形外的運動障害に対する再教育訓練の研究
- 医療専門職の状況学習に関する研究
- Study on Situated Learning of Health Professions
- Medical Anthropologis Study on Therapeutic Exercise
- 運動療法の医療人類学的研究
- Study on re-education for Orthopaedic Movement Disorders.
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Papers (7):
MISC (30):
Okita Kazuhiko. Consideration on EBPT for Central Nervous System Disorders : from the View Points of Cognitive Therapeutic Exercise(Symposium, The 44th Annual Meeting of JPTA). The Journal of Japanese Physical Therapy Association. 2009. 36. 8. 431-434
Articles supported by grants from HPTA: What should physical therapy in chronic phase aim for?: the gap b etween hope of patients and goal setting by physical therapists. Journal of physical therapy practice and research. 2009. 18. 3-8
筋力と動作能力. 理学療法ジャーナル. 1998. 32. 10. 757-763
Muscle Strength and Motor Performance. Physical Therapy Journal. 1998. 32. 10. 757-763
沖田一彦. 整形外科領域における認知運動療法の理論と実際-四肢と体幹の再教育訓練をめぐって. 理学療法岡山. 1997. 17. 1. 28-37
Books (7):
協同医書出版 1998
Cognitive Therapeutic Exercise
Kyodo Isyo Pub. 1998
運動制御と運動学習 セラピストのための基礎研究論文集 (1)
協同医書出版社 1997 ISBN:4763960075
メディカルプレス 1997
Physical therapy assessment〜It's clinical approach ; Chapter 8 ; Disorder of coordination
Medical Press. 1997
Lectures and oral presentations (1):
1483 身体認識に関わる因子について : SD法を用いた身体系言語の分析(理学療法基礎系,一般演題(ポスター発表演題),第43回日本理学療法学術大会)
(理学療法学 2008)
Education (4):
- - 2000 Hiroshima University
- - 2000 Hiroshima University Graduate School, Division of Medical Sciences
- - 1994 Bukkyo University School of Literature
- - 1994 Bukkyo University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (1):
Work history (4):
- 2000 - 2001 広島県立保健福祉短期大学 助教授
- 2000 - 2001 Hiroshima Prefectural College of Health and Welfare
- 1995 - 1999 広島県立保健福祉短期大学 専任講師
- 1995 - 1999 Hiroshima Prefectural College of Health and Welfare, Lecture
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本医学教育学会
, 日本理学療法士協会
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