Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
1981 - 表面筋電図による筋負担の評価
The userinterface study of daily tools and facilities
Evaluation of muscle strain with surface electromyogram
Papers (11):
OHASHI Jun-ya. The fascination of Hiroyuki Morofuji'ssketches. Bulletin of the Department of Management and Business, Kindai University. 2017. 5. 65-86
OHASHI Jun-ya. The regard for the assessment of muscle fatigue with surface EMG. Journal of ergonomics in occupational safety and health. 2015. 16. 1. 1-11
OHASHI Jun-ya. The development of software for motion space measurement. Bulletin of the Department of Management and Business, Kindai University. 2013. 3. 49-58
Relations between Ia afferent and power spectrum of surface EMG during fatiguing contractions. Japanese Journal of Physiological Anthropology. 2002. 7(3), 15-24
Detection of grouping discharges of surface electromyogram as low frequency components during low-level static contractios
Design of Amenity (Selected papers of international symposium) 1995