J-GLOBAL ID:200901040077526072
Update date: Dec. 19, 2012
Obuse Kesazo
オブセ ケサゾウ | Obuse Kesazo
Research field (1):
Literature - European
Research keywords (4):
, 翻訳
, Criticism
, Translation
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2002 - 英文学と自然
- 2002 - Nature in English Litirature
- 1997 - 2001 文学と超自然的恐怖
- 1997 - 2001 Supernatural Horror in Literature
MISC (15):
The beautiful scenery along Lake Leman that fascinated Byron. 2002. 176
バイロンを魅了したレマン湖畔の風景. PHOEBUS(第6号). 2002. 176
The beautiful scenery along Lake Leman that fascinated Byron. PHOEBUS(第6号). 2002. 176
Bathshebaの性格描写について(その2). アレーテイア(第14号)アレーテイア文学研究会11,25. 1998. 14
Characterization Of Bathsheba (2). ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ14. 1998. 14
Books (4):
英米文学語学論叢 岡本成蹊教授傘寿記念論文集(共著)
桐原書店 1984
┣DBStudies In English Literature(/)-┫DB, ┣DBAmerican Literature And Linguistics(/)-┫DB : A Collection Of Essays In Celebra-tion Of Prof. Seikei Okamoto's 80th Birthday
桐原書店 1981
ORIGINAL READING SERIES Erskine Caldwell : ┣DBThe Dream(/)-┫DB
Works (17):
1998 -
English Pal (]G0002[)・TEACHER'S MANUAL
1998 -
1997 -
1997 -
文部省検定済教科書・高等学校・外国語科用/212桐原/英I 647/『イングリッシパルI』(共著)
1997 -
Education (4):
- - 1973 Hosei University
- - 1973 Hosei University Graduate School, Division of Humanities
- - 1967 Hosei University Faculty of Letters
- - 1967 Hosei University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (1):
Work history (1):
- Jumonji College Literature
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 法政大学英文学会
, 日本英文学会
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