J-GLOBAL ID:200901040954939081
Update date: Jan. 17, 2024
Yabuki Fumiko
ヤブキ フミコ | Yabuki Fumiko
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (2):
Social psychology
, Home economics, lifestyle science
Research keywords (11):
, 関係学
, 幼児教育
, 保育
, 心理臨床
, 発達臨床
, Human Development
, Science of Relationships
, Early Childhood Care and Education
, Clinical Psychology
, Clinical Development
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 乳児期初期の情緒と自己・人・物関係の発達
- 乳幼児の発達におけるイメージの自己化・共有化
- 関係性の発達-発達臨床実践から-
- 「関係学・心理劇式 集団状況・発達評価法」
- The development of emotions and relationships between self, people and objects in early infancy.
- How infants develop relationships, share images, and view themselves through psychodrama
- The co-cross-being Retationship Development
- The Evaluation Method of the Co-cross-being Relationship Development for children in early years
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MISC (31):
幼児の心理劇の参加観察による現職研修の効果-「個と集団の関係を活かした集団」のモデルとしての心理劇の現状分析を通して. 大妻女子大学紀要-家政系-. 2004. No. 40. P. 141-155
An Effect of the Training for Nursery Teachers in Active Service by Taking Part in the Psychodrama with young children as Observer. -Through a situational analysis of the psychodrama as a model of the group with an active interaction between an individ・・・. Bulletin of Otsuma Women's Univ. -Home Economics-. 2004. NO. 40, P. 141-155
How Infants Develop Relationships, Share images, and View Themselves through Psychodrama. Journal for the Science of Relationships. 2003. 30. 1. 21-37
‘Sympathic Interpersonal Relation’which supports Cognitive Development of Verbal and Performance in Early Childhood-Based on the Trend of Studies of Autism-. Research Bulletin in Otsuma Women’s University for Home Economics. 2003. 39. 51-61
幼児の言語性、動作性の発達からとらえる“響きあう人との関係”-自閉症の研究の動向をふまえて-. 大妻女子大学 家政系紀要. 2003. 29. 51-61
Books (13):
建帛社 2002
Science of Early Childhood Education and Care
Kenpaku-sha 2002
「発達の障害と支援の方法」樹村房 2001
「関係状況療法」関係学研究所 2000
The Method of Psychodramatic Drawing
Institute for the Science of Relationships 2000
Education (4):
- - 1973 Ochanomizu University
- - 1973 Ochanomizu University Graduate School, Division of Home Economics
- - 1971 Ochanomizu University
- - 1971 Ochanomizu University Faculty of Home Economics
Professional career (1):
- Master(Home Economics) (Ochanomizu University)
Committee career (3):
- 2001 - 2003 日本家政学会 編集委員
- 2002 - 日本心理劇学会 理事
- 1979 - 1984 日本関係学会 運営委員,編集委員,編集委員長
Association Membership(s) (10):
, 日本児童学会
, 世界乳幼児精神保健学会
, 日本家政学会
, 日本集団精神療法学会
, 日本関係学会
, 日本発達心理学会
, 日本心理劇学会
, 日本心理臨床学会
, 日本保育学会
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