J-GLOBAL ID:200901041030481921
Update date: Sep. 12, 2022
Nakamura Kiyohiko
ナカムラ キヨヒコ | Nakamura Kiyohiko
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Affiliation and department:
Tokyo Institute of Technology
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Job title:
Professor Emeritus
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Intelligent informatics
Research keywords (3):
Knowledge and Information Science
, Computational Neuroscience
, Neurophysiology
Papers (1):
K Nakamura. Neural representation of information measure in the primate premotor cortex. JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY. 2006. 96. 1. 478-485
MISC (32):
MARIYAMA Toshisada, ITOH Hideaki, NAKAMURA Kiyohiko. A Mathematical Model for Tamarin's Tool-Use Behavior. Primate Research. 2010. 26. 1. 13-33
HAYASHI Eiji, ITOH Hideaki, NAKAMURA Kiyohiko. A Model of Multistable Binocular Rivalry with Lateral Inhibition and Synaptic Plasticity. The IEICE transactions on information and systems (Japanese edetion). 2006. 89. 7. 1568-1576
TAKAHASHI Hiroki, ITOH Hideaki, SAWA Shigemi, NAKAMURA Kiyohiko. Analysis on activity of dopamine neurons encoding prediction of uncertain reward. IEICE technical report. Neurocomputing. 2006. 105. 658. 25-30
HASHIMOTO Naoki, ITOH Hideaki, NAKAMURA Kiyohiko. Analysis on a Model of the Process of Developing Layers in LGN. The IEICE transactions on information and systems (Japanese edetion). 2006. 89. 1. 95-106
SAWA Shigemi, ITOH Hideaki, NAKAMURA Kiyohiko. An Evolutionary Model of the Human Value Function in Prospect Theory. IEICE technical report. Neurocomputing. 2005. 105. 341. 39-44
Education (2):
- 1983 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- 1977 Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering
Work history (5):
1996 - 2019/03/31 Tokyo Institute of Technology Professor
1993 - 1996 University of Electro-Communications Associate professor
1992 - 1993 Tokyo Institute of Technology Associate professor
1984 - 1992 Tokyo Institute of Technology Research Associate
1982 - 1984 Unioversity of Virginia Research assistant
Committee career (3):
1997 - 1999 日本神経回路学会 理事
1998 - 電子情報通信学会 NC研究会運営委員
1993 - 1994 計測自動制御学会 論文委員会委員
Awards (1):
1979 - 計測自動制御学会 学術奨励賞
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本神経回路学会
, Society for neuroscience
, 日本神経科学学会
, 電子情報通信学会
, システム制御情報学会
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