J-GLOBAL ID:200901041349064932
Update date: May. 10, 2011
Nakazato Yoshihiko
ナカザト ヨシヒコ | Nakazato Yoshihiko
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (1):
Research keywords (6):
, 社会言語学
, 第二言語習得論
, Pragmatics
, Socio Linguistics
, Second Language Acquisition
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 日本語と英語における言葉の丁寧性
- 中間言語における語用論的側面の研究
- Linguistic Politeness in Japanese and English
- Interlanguage Pragmatics
MISC (13):
Nakazato, Yoshihiko. Style-Shifting in the Main Body of Directives in English, Japanese, and the Interlanguage. The Bulletin of School of High-Technology for Human Welfare Tokai University. 2011. 20. 105-116
Nakazato, Yoshihiko. Social Dynamics of Face Threatening Acts(FTA) -- The Interlanguage Strategies for Softening FTA Impact --. The Bulletin of School of High-Technology for Human Welfare Tokai University. 2009. 18. 1-10
Nakazato, Yoshihiko. Social Dynamics of Face Threatening Acts(FTA) -- The Interlanguage Strategies for Softening FTA Impact --. The Bulletin of School of High-Technology for Human Welfare Tokai University. 2008. 18. 1-10
Nakazato, Yoshihiko. Social Variables: Some Problems in Politeness Research. The Bulletin of School of High-Technology for Human Welfare Tokai University. 2006. 15
Nakazato, Yoshihiko. Reexamination of Politeness in Indirect Speech Acts. The Bulletin of School of High-Technology for Human Welfare Tokai University. 2005. 14
Books (3):
大学英語教育学会(JACET)実態調査委員会 2003
大学英語教育学会(JACET)実態調査委員会 2002
南雲堂 1999
Lectures and oral presentations (6):
(東海大学開発工学部主催英語教育シンポジウム「英語教育の現状と未来への展望:小・中・高・大からの提言」 2008)
(第42回全国大会 JACETシンポジューム 2003)
(東海大学開発工学部秋期公開講座(静岡県民カレッジ認定・沼津市教育委員会後援) 2002)
Pragmatic Transter in Rquests : Style Shifting by Japanese Learners of English
(第40回 JACET全国大会 要綱, 43-44 2001)
The Study of Offer in Japanese and English : The Direct Japanese and the Indirect Americans
(第39回 JACET全国大会 要綱/,148-149 2000)
Education (1):
- - 1995 Columbia University
Professional career (2):
- Master of Arts (Tamagawa University)
- Master of Education (Columbia University, Teachers College)
Work history (10):
- 2001 - 2004 Waseda University
- 2001 - 2004 Waseda University, Part-Time Lecturer
- 1998 - 2001 Asia University
- 1998 - 2001 Senshu University
- 1998 - 2001 Chuo University
- 1998 - 2001 Asia University, Part-Time Lecturer
- 1998 - 2001 Sensh(]E87CD[) University, Part-Time Lecturer
- 1998 - 2001 Chu(]E87C7[) University, Part-Time Lecturer
- 1996 - 2001 Tamagawa University
- 1996 - 2001 Tamagawa University, Part-Time Lecturer
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Committee career (3):
- 大学英語教育学会(JACET)関東支部幹事
- 大学英語教育学会(JACET)関東支部大会運営委員会・(副)委員長
- 大学英語教育学会(JACET)広報通信委員会・副委員長
Association Membership(s) (2):
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