J-GLOBAL ID:200901041525747901   Update date: Jul. 27, 2023

Hirata Masaru

ヒラタ マサル | Hirata Masaru
Affiliation and department:
Papers (15):
  • Suzuki Chikashi, Nishi Tsuyoshi, Nakada Masami, Tsuru Tomohito, Akabori Mitsuo, Hirata Masaru, Kaji Yoshiyuki. DFT study on the electronic structure and chemical state of americium in an (Am,U) mixed oxide. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2013. 74. 12. 1769-1774
  • Shibata Hiroki, Tsuru Tomohito, Nishi Tsuyoshi, Hirata Masaru, Kaji Yoshiyuki. Thermodynamic properties of neptunium nitride; A First principles study. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. 2012. 49. 3. 328-333
  • Suzuki Chikashi, Nishi Tsuyoshi, Nakada Masami, Akabori Mitsuo, Hirata Masaru, Kaji Yoshiyuki. Core-hole effect on XANES and electronic structure of minor actinide dioxides with fluorite structure. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2012. 73. 2. 209-216
  • Nishi Tsuyoshi, Nakada Masami, Suzuki Chikashi, Shibata Hiroki, Okamoto Yoshihiro, Akabori Mitsuo, Hirata Masaru. Valence state of Am in (U$_{0.95}$Am$_{0.05}$)O$_{2.0}. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2011. 418. 1-3. 311-312
  • Nagame Yuichiro, Hirata Masaru. Production and properties of transuranium elements. Radiochimica Acta. 2011. 99. 7-8. 377-393
MISC (5):
  • Shinohara Masanori, Sumita Junya, Shibata Taiju, Hirata Masaru. Assessment report on research and development activities in post-evaluation of third medium-/long-term plan and in pre-evaluation of the fourth medium-/long-term plan on "Research and Development on High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor and Related Heat Application Technology". JAEA-Evaluation 2022-006. 2022. 198
  • Shinohara Masanori, Sumita Junya, Shibata Taiju, Hirata Masaru. Assessment report on research and development activities in FY2020 activity and in prospective evaluation of third mid-to long-term plan "Research and development on high temperature gas-cooled reactor and related heat application technology". JAEA-Evaluation 2022-001. 2022. 104
  • Nagame Yuichiro, Hirata Masaru, Nakahara Hiromichi*. Production and chemistry of transuranium elements. Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry. 2011. 817-875
  • Hirata Masaru. FISA2009 conference report. Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi ATOMO$\Sigma. 2009. 51. 10. 53
  • Boero M.*, Ikeda Takashi, Hirata Masaru. First principles molecular dynamics simulation of solution. Annual Report of the Earth Simulator Center April 2005 - March 2006. 2007. 267-270
Patents (2):
  • 高レベル放射性廃液から選択的にセシウムを分離する方法
  • 耐放射線性気密設備
Lectures and oral presentations  (32):
  • Element strategy on nuclear fuel cycle, 3; Preliminary analysis on potential resource ability of nuclear rare earth elements
  • Scenario study for the transition from thermal reactors to fast reactors in the world
    (International Symposium on Nuclear Back-end Issues and the Role of Nuclear Transmutation Technology after the accident of TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Stations)
  • World nuclear energy strategies from the viewpoint of environment and sustainability
    (BIT's 3rd New Energy Forum 2013 (NEF 2013))
  • XAFS measurement on uranium and americium mixed oxide
  • Goal attainment assessment for whole FR cycle
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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