J-GLOBAL ID:200901041952570850
Update date: Aug. 25, 2022
Mizobuchi Yutaka
ミゾブチ ユタカ | Mizobuchi Yutaka
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Assistant Professor
Research field (1):
Public law
Research keywords (2):
, Human Rights
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
MISC (4):
ヘルマン・ヘラーと法実証主義の距離. 尾道短期大学研究紀要. 1998. 47. 1. 27
The Distance between Hermann Heller and Legal Positivism. Bulletin of Onomichi Junior College. 1998. 47. 1. 27-40
R・フォークト「高度に発達した産業社会における経済的及び社会的発展の国家的操作についての諸問題」(翻訳). 法学雑誌. 1988. 35. 2. 261
R Voigt, Probleme der staatlichen Steuerung der wirtschaftilichen und gesellschaftilichen Entwicklung in hochentwickelten Industriegesellschaftan(Translation). 1988. 35. 2. 261
Books (2):
戦後部落問題関係判例(共著)(解放出版社) 1995
The case of excessive private high school expense.
Cases on Burahu Discrimination after World War II 1995
Professional career (1):
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