J-GLOBAL ID:200901042315218597   Update date: Oct. 11, 2024

Nawa Katsuo

ナワ カツオ | Nawa Katsuo
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/faculty/prof/nawa.html
Research field  (1): Cultural anthropology and folklore
Research keywords  (9): language use ,  ethnography ,  ethnicity ,  ritual ,  social anthropology ,  Himalaya ,  Nepal ,  文化人類学 ,  cultural anthropology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (9):
  • 2020 - 2023 Reconstructing the geographies by movement of people: Nepal area studies beyond national borders of Nepal
  • 2016 - 2020 民族の名乗りと実践の現代的変容に関する民族誌的再検討-ランと国家制度、言説、移住
  • 2016 - 2019 Disaster Ethnographic Study of Reconfiguration of Societies after the 2015 Nepal Gorkha Earthquake
  • 2013 - 2016 Standard Norms in Written Languages: Historical and Comparative Studies between East and West
  • 2012 - 2015 A comparative ethnographic sotudies on changing social dynamics on "inclusion" in Nepal in the transitional phase
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Papers (35):
  • Katsuo Nawa. Coping with Discourses on Minority Populations among the Rang of Far Western Nepal. International Quarterly for Asian Studies. 2023. 54. 3. 237-257
  • Kharel, Dipesh, Katsuo Nawa. From Temporary Shelter to Bhukampa Ghar (Earthquake Home): Building and Dwelling in Post-Earthquake Alampu, Dolakha. Studies in Nepali History and Society. 2023. 28. 1. 103-139
  • Katsuo Nawa. Beyond Critical Analyses of the Aftermath of the 2015 Nepal Earthquakes. Studies in Nepali History and Society. 2022. 27. 1. 213-224
  • 名和 克郎. 境界、動作、リズム-ビャンス及び周辺地域の「太鼓演奏」の諸相. 西井凉子・箭内匡 編 『アフェクトゥス-生の外側に触れる』. 2020. 243-274
  • Katsuo Nawa. Introduction: Linguistic Anthropology, Indexicality, and Japanese Sociocultural Anthropology. Japanese Journal of Cultural Anthropology. 2020. 84. 4. 431-442
MISC (25):
  • Katsuo Nawa. [book review] Judith Pettigrew, 2013, Maoists at the Hearth: Everyday Life in Nepal’s Civil War. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ASIAN STUDIES. 2015. 12. 2. 239-241
  • 名和 克郎. 書評 鈴木晋介『つながりのジャーティヤ-スリランカの民族とカースト』. 文化人類学. 2014. 79. 2. 179-182
  • NAWA Katsuo. [Book Review] Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka and Gerard Toffin, eds. 2011. The Politics of Belonging in the Himalayas: Local Attachments and Boundary Dynamics; Marie Lecomte-Tilouine. 2009. Hindu Kingship, Ethnic Revival and Maoist Rebellion in Nepal. Contributions to Indian Sociology. 2014. 48. 2. 296-300
  • 名和 克郎. 書評 梶丸岳『山歌の民族誌-歌で詞藻を交わす』. コンタクト・ゾーン. 2014. 6. 206-212
  • 名和 克郎. 書評 山本達也『舞台の上の難民--チベット難民芸能集団の民族誌』. 地域研究. 2014. 14. 2. 254-257
Books (5):
  • 体制転換期ネパールにおける「包摂」の諸相-言説政治・社会実践・生活世界
    三元社 2017
  • Catalogue of the Japan-Nepal Society Collection owned by the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo
    Research and Information Center for Asian Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo 2013 ISBN:9784903235240
  • 生業と生産の社会的布置-グローバリゼーションの民族誌のために(国立民族学博物館論集 1)
    岩田書院 2012 ISBN:9784872947441
  • グローバリゼーションと〈生きる世界〉-生業からみた人類学的現在
    東京大学東洋文化研究所; 昭和堂 2012
  • Nepal, Byans oyobi Shuhenchiiki ni okeru Girei to Shakaihanchuni kansuru Minzokushiteki Kenkyu: Mouhitotuno ‘Kindai’no Fuchi (An Ethnographic Study on Rituals and Social Categories of Byans, Nepal and Adjacent Regions: Another Constellation of 'Modernity'
    Sangensha 2002 ISBN:488303092X
Lectures and oral presentations  (54):
  • Changing Imagination of Rang ‘Villages’: Geographical Knowledge, Belonging, Connectedness, and New Modes of Representation
    (Workshop "Knowledge on the Move: Connectivities, Frontiers, Translations in Asia", Zoom (co-organized by TINDAS, IAGS, ASNET, DESK, EAA, the University of Tokyo; IAAW, Humboldt University Berlin; Shaping Asia project) 2021)
  • Coping with Discourses on Minority Populations among the Rang of Far Western Nepal: Nation, Scheduled Tribe, Janajati, and Indigeneity
    (Friday colloquium, Google Meet (hosted by Centre for Himalayan Studies, University of North Bengal) 2020)
  • Changing pattern of transnational population movement from Byans, Far Western Nepal
    (Risk and Cooperation: the Fourth International Symposium on Himalayan Studies (Zoom) 2020)
  • Undertaking Research on Transnational, Interdisciplinary and Multicultural Issues
    (Tribhuvan University International Conference "Internationalization of University Education", Hotel Himalaya, Lalitpur 2019)
  • Why There Has Been No U-Tokyo School of Cultural Anthropology in Post-World War II Japan: Focusing on Two 1.5 Generation U-Tokyo Anthropologists Working on Asia
    (Conference "Global Asian in Interdisciplinary Perspectives: Sustainability, Security, and Governance", Nanyang Technological University 2018)
Professional career (2):
  • MA (The University of Tokyo)
  • PhD (The University of Tokyo)
Committee career (1):
  • 2012 - 2019 Asian Anthropology co-editor
Awards (2):
  • 2019/07 - 公益財団法人 大同生命国際文化基金 大同生命地域研究奨励賞 「ネパール、ヒマラヤ地域における規範と行為の関係の近代的変容に関する研究」に対して
  • 2004 - 第30回澁澤賞
Association Membership(s) (6):
The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences ,  Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies ,  American Anthropological Association ,  Royal Anthropological Institute ,  Japanese Society for South Asian Studies ,  Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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