J-GLOBAL ID:200901043121330341
Update date: May. 20, 2020
Nishigori Takeo
ニシゴリ タケオ | Nishigori Takeo
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (3):
Mathematical physics and basic theory
, Social welfare
, Information theory
Research keywords (6):
, 福祉情報論
, 非線形物理
, Information Processing
, Nuclear Reactor Kinetics
, Electron Thermalization
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
- 2003 - 社会福祉教育カリキュラム開発
- 2001 - 福祉情報学
- 2001 - Computer Application in Social Welfare
- e-Learningによる授業改革
- パソコン音声認識による聴覚障害学生の受講支援の実践研究
- 非線形問題
- Practical study of PC Voice-Recognition to help hearing impairment student
- Lecture-Voice Recognition by PC to help hearing impairment students
- Nonlinear Problems
- Theory of Electron Thermalization
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MISC (25):
Electron Thermalization in Molecular Gases. Rarefied Gas Dynamics. 2003. 23, 888-895
PEGASUS:前平衡・多段階薫発理論に基づく中性子断面積計算コード. JAERIレポート. 1999. 99-031. 1-76
PEGASUS : A Pre-Equilibrium and Multi-Step Evaporation Code for Neutron Cross Section Calculation. JAERI Report. 1999. 99-031. 1-76
Construction of Oriental Medicine Database with Application to Health and Welfare. Journal of Kibi International University, School of Social Welfare. 1997. 2. 97
Fourier Analysis of Higher wp Modes of a Neutron Diffusion Equation (jointly worked). Journai of the Kibi International University, School of Social Welfare. 1996. 1. 95
Books (3):
Electron Thermalization in Molecular Gases
Rarefied Gas Dynamics 2003
Unified Theory of the Eigenvalue and Memory-Function Approaches in Electron Thermalization in Gases-(]G0002[)
Rarefied Gas Dynamics 1999
Unified Theory of the Eigenvalue and Memory-Function Approaches in Electron Thermalization in Gases
Rarefied Gas Dynamics 20 1997
Education (5):
- - 1968 Osaka University
- - 1966 Tohoku University
- - 1966 Tohoku University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- - 1964 Tohoku University Faculty of Science
- - 1964 Tohoku University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
- Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (Osaka University)
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本物理学会
, 情報処理学会
, 日本原子力学会
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