J-GLOBAL ID:200901044824911091   Update date: Jul. 06, 2022

Inagaki Nobuo

イナガキ ノブオ | Inagaki Nobuo
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.sigmath.es.osaka-u.ac.jp
Research field  (3): Applied mathematics and statistics ,  Basic mathematics ,  Statistical science
Research keywords  (6): 統計データシステム ,  統計データ解析 ,  統計的推測 ,  Statistical Data System ,  Statistical Data Analysis ,  Statistical Inference
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (7):
  • 2002 - 確率過程におけるロバストな統計的推測
  • 2000 - 指数型確率過程における統計的推測
  • 統計的情報幾何
  • 最大自己回帰過程
  • Exponential Models of Stochastic Processes
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MISC (27):
  • Note on the Bayes approach to a grouping of small events. Scienticae Mathematicae Japonicae Online. 2003. 8, 185-189
  • Efron's parametrization. Australian and New zealand Journal of Statistics. 2002. 44, 901-907
  • A Bayes approach to a grouping og small events in the multinomial destruction. Scientiae Mathematical. 2000. 3. 1. 1-17
  • The exact information loss of the maximum likelihood estimator in the k-dimensional sphere model. Mathematica Japonica. 2000. 52. 2. 289-310
  • KUMAGAI ETSUO, INAGAKI NOBUO. The circular mechanism in the curved exponential family. Mathematica Japonica. 1999. 49. 1. 27-38
Books (15):
  • 数理統計学(改訂版)
    裳華房 2003
  • 統計学の基礎
    裳華房 2001
  • 数理情報科学事典(共著)
    朝倉書店 1995
  • Estimation of levels of intensity in a sinple self-correcting point processes
    Stat. Sci. & Data Anali III 1993
  • Centering and Scaling in Ridge Regression
    Stat. Sci. & Data Anal. , III 1993
Education (4):
  • - 1969 Osaka University
  • - 1969 Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Engineering Science
  • - 1967 Osaka University School of Science
  • - 1967 Osaka University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
  • (BLANK)
Committee career (2):
  • 1997 - 日本統計学会 理事
  • 1996 - 日本数理科学協会 理事
Association Membership(s) (6):
日本数理科学協会 ,  計算機統計学会 ,  米国数理統計学会(IMS) ,  国際統計学会(ISI) ,  日本統計学会 ,  日本数学会
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