J-GLOBAL ID:200901044824919610
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Shibata Nobuyuki
シバタ ノブユキ | Shibata Nobuyuki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (4):
, Pharmacology
, Pharmaceuticals - health and biochemistry
, Applied biochemistry
Research keywords (9):
, 抗原
, 酵素
, 病原性
, 微生物
, Antigen
, Polysaccharide
, Pathogenicity
, Enzyme
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Papers (67):
Shuto Tanaka, Masataka Kawakita, Hikaru Yasui, Koichi Sudo, Fumie Itoh, Masato Sasaki, Nobuyuki Shibata, Hiromitsu Hara, Yoichiro Iwakura, Tomomi Hashidate-Yoshida, et al. An immune-adrenergic pathway induces lethal levels of platelet-activating factor in mice. Communications Biology. 2024. 7. 1
Masataka Kawakita, Taiki Oyama, Ikuma Shirai, Shuto Tanaka, Kotaro Akaki, Shinya Abe, Takuma Asahi, Guangwei Cui, Fumie Itoh, Masato Sasaki, et al. Cell wall N-glycan of Candida albicans ameliorates early hyper- and late hypo-immunoreactivity in sepsis. Communications biology. 2021. 4. 1. 342-342
Takuya Onoue, Yutaka Tanaka, Daisuke Hagiwara, Keisuke Ekino, Akira Watanabe, Kazuyoshi Ohta, Katsuhiko Kamei, Nobuyuki Shibata, Masatoshi Goto, Takuji Oka. Author Correction: Identification of Two Mannosyltransferases Contributing to Biosynthesis of the Fungal-type Galactomannan α-Core-Mannan Structure in Aspergillus fumigatus. Scientific reports. 2020. 10. 1. 11589-11589
Yuria Chihara, Yutaka Tanaka, Minoru Izumi, Daisuke Hagiwara, Akira Watanabe, Kaoru Takegawa, Katsuhiko Kamei, Nobuyuki Shibata, Kazuyoshi Ohta, Takuji Oka. Biosynthesis of β-(1→5)-Galactofuranosyl Chains of Fungal-Type and O-Mannose-Type Galactomannans within the Invasive Pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. mSphere. 2020. 5. 1
Daiki Tanno, Rin Yokoyama, Kotone Kawamura, Yuki Kitai, Xiaoliang Yuan, Keiko Ishii, Magdia De Jesus, Hideki Yamamoto, Ko Sato, Tomomitsu Miyasaka, et al. Dectin-2-mediated signaling triggered by the cell wall polysaccharides of Cryptococcus neoformans. MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY. 2019. 63. 12. 500-512
MISC (148):
柴田信之, 佐々木雅人, 伊藤文恵, 田中大, 知花博治, 山口正視. Reactivity of an innate immune system with carbohydrate transferase deletion mutant of Candida glabrata. 千葉大学真菌医学研究センター報告. 2021. 24
柴田信之, 佐々木雅人, 伊藤文恵, 田中大, 知花博治, 山口正視. Reactivity of an innate immune system with carbohydrate transferase deletion mutant of Candida glabrata. 千葉大学真菌医学研究センター報告. 2020. 23
伊藤文恵, 宍戸啓介, 松本淳志, 田中大, 佐々木雅人, 柴田信之. Cell wall polysaccharide of pathogenic dematiaceous fungus Exophiala jeanselmei contains long-chain oligosaccharides composed of β-1, 2-linked mannose, an important antigenic structure of Candida species. 日本薬学会年会要旨集(CD-ROM). 2020. 140th (Web)
伊藤文恵, 宍戸啓介, 田中大, 佐々木雅人, 柴田信之. 病原性黒色真菌Exophiala jeanselmei細胞壁多糖の抗原構造およびβ-1,2結合マンノースから成る長鎖オリゴ糖の抗原性の解析. 日本薬学会東北支部大会講演要旨集. 2020. 59th
金澤和康, 佐々木雅人, 佐藤絵理香, 佐川舜乙, 武山亜美, 伊藤文恵, 田中大, 柴田信之. Regulation mechanisms of folate metabolizing enzyme ALDH1L1/2 by ubiquitin modification. 日本薬学会年会要旨集(CD-ROM). 2020. 140th (Web)
Books (4):
Novel structures found in the mannans of Candida albicans and Candida guilliermondii (共著)
Fungal Cells in Biodefense Mechanism 1997
Novel structures found in the mannans of ┣DBCandida albicans(/)-┫DB and ┣DBCandida guilliermondii(/)-┫DB(共著)
Fungal Cells in Biodefense Mechanism 1997
Fungal Cell Wall and Immune Response (共著)
Springer-Verlag 1991
Fungal Cell Wall and Immune Response(共著)
Springer-Verlag 1991
Education (4):
- - 1981 東北薬科大学 薬学研究科 糖質化学
- - 1981 Tohoku Pharmaceutical University Graduate School, Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences Carbohydrate Chemistry
- - 1979 東北薬科大学 薬学部 薬学科
- - 1979 Tohoku Pharmaceutical University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science
Professional career (1):
- Doctor of Pharmacy (Tohoku Pharmaceutical University)
Work history (7):
- 2011/04 - 現在 Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Professor
- 2000 - 2003 東北薬科大学 助教授
- 2000 - 2003 Tohoku Pharmaceutical University, Associate
- 1991 - 2000 東北薬科大学 講師
- 1991 - 2000 Tohoku Pharmaceutical University, Lecturer
- 1981 - 1991 東北薬科大学 助手
- 1981 - 1991 Tohoku Pharmaceutical University, Research
Show all
Awards (1):
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本医真菌学会
, 日本糖質学会
, 日本生化学会
, 日本薬学会
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