1999 - 2001 Cognition of time varying environment due to multimodal information
1999 - 2001 Neuropsychological Study of Spatial Memory Function in Aged and Brain damaged People
1999 - 2000 Spatiotemporal dynamics of memory and attention in recognition of dynamic scenes
1998 - 2000 Construction of a database of shape patterns with psychological variables
1997 - 1998 日本語学習支援のための教科書とコミック誌に基づく語彙データベースの作成
1997 - 1998 マルチメディアによる非失語性コミュニケーション障害診断検査の開発
1997 - 1998 物体の構造の認知における部分情報と全体情報の相互作用に関する研究
Computational models of visual cognition
The role of visual attention in shape perception
Psychological mechanism of object recognition
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Papers (114):
Jumpei Mizuno, Yoshiyuki Ueda, Matthew de Brecht, Nobuhiro Hagura, Jun Saiki. Contextual History Guides Spatial Attention During Search. 2024
Hikari Takebayashi, Jun Saiki. Mean orientation discrimination based on proximal stimuli. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 2024
Tsuyoshi Yoshioka, Hiroyuki Muto, Jun Saiki. Functional Perspectives in Mental Jigsaw Puzzles: Insights from Eye-tracking, Questionnaire, and Behavioral Data. 2023
Hikari Takebayashi, Jun Saiki. Restriction of orientation variability and spatial frequency on the perception of average orientation. Perception. 2022. 51. 7. 464-476
Yoshiyuki Ueda, Masataka Nakayama, Nobuhito Abe, Yukiko Uchida, Jun Saiki. 「こころ」の概念に関する多国間調査. The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association. 2022. 86. 4AM-035
Jun Saiki, Hiroyuki Muto. Computational approaches in cognitive science: Past, present, and future. Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society. 2023. 30. 1(印刷中). 46-55
上田祥行, 齋木潤. Individual Difference in Visual Search. 日本認知心理学会発表論文集(Web). 2021. 18th
Chia-Chun Tsai, Sung-En Chien, Yoshiyuki Ueda, Jun Saiki, Su-Ling Yeh. Does Visual Experience Abolish Search Asymmetry?. I-PERCEPTION. 2019. 10. 140-141
Su-Ling Yeh, Jen-Tse Dong, Pokuan Ho, Shuo-Heng Li, Te-Chi Huang, Shiho Hirai, Yoshiyuki Ueda, Jun Saiki. More Efficient Semantic than Phonological Extraction in Reading Chinese/Kanji for Taiwanese/Japanese Skilled Readers. I-PERCEPTION. 2019. 10. 128-129
Cultural Variations in Moral Dilemma Judgment through Multinomial Processing Tree Model
(33rd International Congress of Psychology 2024)
Parity and gender influences in mental jigsaw puzzles: A secondary eye-tracking study
(The 16th Asia Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV 2024) 2024)
Beyond WEIRD: A computational model analysis of cultural variability in visual search.
(International conference on brain science and medical technology. 2024)