J-GLOBAL ID:200901045745110098
Update date: Oct. 15, 2007
Yoshimatsu Shin'ichi
ヨシマツ シンイチ | Yoshimatsu Shin'ichi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research assistant
Research field (1):
Research keywords (2):
, inflamatory bowel disease
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 消化管アミロイドーシス
- 炎症性腸疾患の診断・治療
- Gastrointestinal amyloidosis
- Diagnosis and therapy of inflamatory bowel disease
MISC (3):
Tashima K.Ando Y.Terazaki H.Yoshimatsu S.Outcome of liver transplantation for transthyretin amyloidosis:follow-up of Japanese familial amyloidotic polynevrophathy patients. Journal of the Neurological Siences. 1999. 171. 1. 19-23
Terazaki H.Ando Y.SuhrO.Ohlsson PZ.Obayashi K.Yamashita T.Yoshimatsu S.Post-translational modification of transthyretin in plasma. Biochemical&BIophysical Research Communications. 1998. 249. 1. 26-30
Yoshimatsu S.Ando Y.Terazaki H.Sakashita N.Tada S.Endoscopic and pathological manifestations of the gastrointestinal tract in familial amyloidotic polynevropathy. Journal of Internal Medicine. 1998. 243. 1. 65-72
Education (2):
- - 1989 Miyazaki Medical College
- - 1989 Miyazaki Medical College Faculty of Medicine
Committee career (2):
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会 日本消化器内視鏡学会九州支部会評議員
- 日本消化器病学会 日本消化器病学会九州支部会評議員
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本消化器内視鏡学会
, 日本消化器病学会
, 日本内科学会
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