J-GLOBAL ID:200901048301785624   Update date: Mar. 05, 2019

Kimura Hirokazu

キムラ ヒロカズ | Kimura Hirokazu
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (2): Polymer materials ,  Rehabilitation science
Research keywords  (8): 工業標準化 ,  静電気帯電性 ,  繊維・高分子系床材 ,  高分子材料 ,  Industrial-Standardization ,  Static-electrical Propensity of Polymers ,  Textile and Resilient Floor coverings ,  Polymer Materials
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 1995 - 繊維高分子材料の静電気的性質に関する研究
  • 1995 - Static-electrical Propeusity of Textile and Polymer Materials
Education (4):
  • - 1993 Kyoto Institute of Technology
  • - 1993 Kyoto Institute of Technology, Graduate School of Polymer Science Graduate School, Division of Engineering and Design
  • - 1982 Kyoto Institute of Technology
  • - 1982 Kyoto Institute of Technology
Professional career (2):
  • Doctor of Engineering (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
  • Master of Engineering (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Work history (1):
  • Technology Research Institute of Osaka Prefecture Evaluation Technology Dept. Technical Textile Group Senior Researcher
Association Membership(s) (6):
日本繊維機械学会 ,  繊維学会 ,  静電気学会 ,  The Textile Machinery Society of Japan ,  The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan ,  The Institute of Electrostatics, Japan
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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